WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 2015

Hallo all:  Happy New week.

Well, what can I say? I can't even do stupid links these days; no idea why things aren't linking but life is too short to fret about it....

Rita is doing her knee exercises, which aren't the best part of her day, but she'll get there we know.

OG: I've taken the liberty of copy/pasting your anniversary dinner menu for all to enjoy vicariously:  "Had a great meal at a country house hotel not far away.  Even the bread rolls were wonderful - fresh-baked and therefore really crisp, not hard (I can't usually eat what are normally referred to as "crisp" rolls!).  OH started with soup while I had a terrine of roasted vegetables; we both had beautifully roasted pork loin, with a theme of peas running through it: pea mash, pea puree and mange touts, as well as roasted root veg and garnished with a wee "haggis bon-bon" (breaded haggis).  OH decided in sticky toffee pud to follow - pleased I didn't as it had a fig in the middle which I would not have liked to find in there!  I had the most wonderful chocolate fudge cake ever - so beautifully light, whereas I usually find it very heavy.  J is out at a barbecue this evening so it was nice to have a meal out on our own but without leaving him out."   All sounds yummy (though not sure about the breaded haggis).

Brenda: I too am wondering how many floors up your son and DiL are in their new apartment.  Have you started looking at airfares yet?  OG has info on the Canada cake on last week's thread.

bjane: Hope you're too busy to post for all the right reasons.  Take care; good to see you.

Margo: Hope you feel up to dropping in this week.  Is your sister still popping by?  Hugs to you.

Earth to Diane!  Please call home.    :-))

Fountain is behaving itself as I type; it usually goes about three days before pooping out. Am prepared for investigative antics next time.

Have a good Sunday everyone. 

  • I am not going to manage to catch up tonight or tomorrow or while we are away, so shall go away and lurk until the end of next week!  I have vaguely read all the recent posts, but not really managing to take anything in.

    My excuse is that I have also been sorting my Favourites to make sense and to make better use of the Favorite's Bar on Windows Edge, which comes as part of W10 instead of an IE version, but does all the same stuff - and more! I had said I thought this was more intuitive than previous Windows versions, but am wondering if my intuition has aged beyond comprehension!  Yet I still like it overall.

    Take care everyone and have a good week.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Don't worry about keeping up, OG!   Go off and enjoy yourself. Am impressed by anyone managing to keep up with their pc  -mine is a mystery to me..... Hope you can manage to get along with your new system.

    Heather - we have said several times, that having a pup is very like having a new baby in the house:  you are concerned about boring things like their weeing and pooing, and are insanely proud of any tiny new achievement!  We are now awaiting the delivery of a new, higher baby gate to keep her in the back part of the house, as although we have a door we can shut, we are worried that she will damage it if she can't get around it. Easier to have a metal gate for us all to go through, and to be shut behind us.  As I write, she is lolling on the sofa upside down, and not concerned about destruction, as when my OH came home he took her for a long walk in the fields and now she is knocked out.

    Sorry to hear about Sheana - at least she does not know, herself, how ill she is now.  My mother had a good friend who became an unrecognisable version of herself at the end of her life, it does rob you of so much.  You are very good still visiting and making sure she has what she needs.

  • Just getting ready to go up to bed (with a drink in my hand, LOL!)  I can hear a really loud and nearby lot of fireworks going off, someone must be celebrating something so at least they have had the sense to let them off before midnight.  Everyone seems to ignore the rule that they should be before 11.00pm (or is it 11.30?) these days, but its still upsetting for pets and wildlife, whatever time it is.

    Night, Everyone.  Have a Good Weekend.

  • Dibnlib - Soon you will fill your days with things you like to do and you will wonder how you ever found time to go to work. Get well soon.

    Linda – I don’t suppose you intended to live in a minimalist house! Shutting Bonnie in one part is a good idea but be prepared for the mournful eyes peering through the barrier.

    Nanny day wasn’t toooo bad. When I arrived, MissJ was asleep in the pusher having fallen asleep on the morning walk. Soon after, MissL had her am nap. Dau wanted to dash to library & shops. I said “Go, I can manage”, but before she could leave, MissJ woke. I distracted her by singing to cover the sounds of the garage door and car departing and she was unaware her mother was missing. Dau was back in 3/4 hour before MissL woke. Phew. Meanwhile Miss3 was no trouble, watching a movie (for the millionth time). The day progressed with MissJ having her 2nd nap at 1 pm. It was short. Then MissL had her 2nd. By 4 pm MissJ was beside herself and I tried for another nap. No joy. The rest of the day was spent refereeing and amusing and praying for the clock to move faster. No, Annette, the twins do not sleep through the night. They each wake 2 or 3 times a night, which is the major problem for an exhausted Dau.

    My OH was happy last night when Windows10 arrived. I expect sweary words later as usually happens when there are changes LOL

    I’ve just hung out the washing. Blue sky, fluffy clouds, light breeze. A pleasant change from recent washing days. Still a bit nippy (it was 3 C at 6 am). I am thinking about the weeds.

  • Knackered again.  Soccer (sort of) in the park with Ms. D, pushing her on the swings, then home for - thank heaven - pizza, ice cream and brownies.  And so to bed....

    Will catch up tomorrow.

  • Good Morning, All.   We are promised high temps. today so my OH has optimistically put out some of the garden chairs for us to loll in.  We have not had our big garden table out at all yet, this year:  this is the one we eat upon when its fit to eat meals out of doors.

    I get pop up notices now and then offering me a chance to "Try Windows 10 for Free":   I delete it quickly, as I am still trying to cope with Windows 8 and a bit!!

    How hard that is, AQ, to have the twins waking each and every night:  little Matthew and also our Amber are now sleeping solidly from 10.00pm until 7.00am, which is a great help to their tired parents.   Matthew can pull himself up and hang onto the furniture, but looks unsure about actually attempting to walk.  He does not crawl, but wiggles around on the floor to get to a toy.  Amber suddenly learned to pull herself along the floor on her elbows, and according to my Eldest, can make a fair rate of knots along the carpet!  It's been reported to her parents that she makes the most noise of all the children in the nursery, when deprived of a toy!!  I'm sure she's going to be quite a handful when she's two!

  • Speaking of sleeping, our noisy neighbour arrived and started cutting the unruly hedge at 6.30am today, with a rackety electric hedge trimmer.  He has left it until the whole hedge is in a dreadfully overgrown state, so is making slow and ragged progress.  The house now looks very large, as the roof is nearly finished on the extension.  (No, he did not wear a hard hat when clambering around on the rafters, and sometimes he was quite alone so what would happen if he fell and no-one saw him, I have no idea.....) When it is all done it will be quite the largest house in the road, as we are mostly bungalows. We are just fervently praying for nice neighbours when it finally comes onto the market.

  • Good morning

    LINDY - I thought that the noise laws also included 'before 8am'!! You might as well have had an all night party yourselves, LOL

    AQ - Your daughter is indeed unfortunate with up to six awakenings every night. I simply cannot remember about my four children but I do know that with my grandchildren there are/were huge differences in their sleep patterns. Newest grandchild Arabella is already sleeping through the night at six weeks or so. When she heard that, my eldest daughter burst out laughing, saying that Katie only started sleeping through the night when she was ten years old!

    I'd better get the vacuum cleaner out of the Harry Potter cupboard and tidy up the place before youngest daughter and family arrive later on. Thankfully no cooking for large numbers involved, just OH and I. I'm going to make Cornish pasties for dinner tonight.

    Have a good day, all.

  • Lurker alert..

    Just posting to say thank you to Diane for her advice to OG on windows 10 as its given OH courage to install on his backup machine. As he says if he doesn't like it he will back date to original settings.

    So lurkers do read:-)