WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 2015

Hallo all:  Happy New week.

Well, what can I say? I can't even do stupid links these days; no idea why things aren't linking but life is too short to fret about it....

Rita is doing her knee exercises, which aren't the best part of her day, but she'll get there we know.

OG: I've taken the liberty of copy/pasting your anniversary dinner menu for all to enjoy vicariously:  "Had a great meal at a country house hotel not far away.  Even the bread rolls were wonderful - fresh-baked and therefore really crisp, not hard (I can't usually eat what are normally referred to as "crisp" rolls!).  OH started with soup while I had a terrine of roasted vegetables; we both had beautifully roasted pork loin, with a theme of peas running through it: pea mash, pea puree and mange touts, as well as roasted root veg and garnished with a wee "haggis bon-bon" (breaded haggis).  OH decided in sticky toffee pud to follow - pleased I didn't as it had a fig in the middle which I would not have liked to find in there!  I had the most wonderful chocolate fudge cake ever - so beautifully light, whereas I usually find it very heavy.  J is out at a barbecue this evening so it was nice to have a meal out on our own but without leaving him out."   All sounds yummy (though not sure about the breaded haggis).

Brenda: I too am wondering how many floors up your son and DiL are in their new apartment.  Have you started looking at airfares yet?  OG has info on the Canada cake on last week's thread.

bjane: Hope you're too busy to post for all the right reasons.  Take care; good to see you.

Margo: Hope you feel up to dropping in this week.  Is your sister still popping by?  Hugs to you.

Earth to Diane!  Please call home.    :-))

Fountain is behaving itself as I type; it usually goes about three days before pooping out. Am prepared for investigative antics next time.

Have a good Sunday everyone. 

  • Friend and I enjoyed ourselves at the big Garden Centre:   we had lunch there too, and she bought some New Baby presents for a friend's offspring, and a new dog bed for her pooch. (She tried on some shoes which were Sale price but sadly they pinched her in the wrong places)

    We both had Green Pea & Ham soup with croutons, with a side of a  H U G E sandwich, mine was Buffalo Mozzerella on tomato bread and hers was Egg Mayonnaise.  They have now enlarged the garden centre even more, with the addition of a Cafe where we ate, instead of in the big restaurant, and they now have some In Store shops:  I bought a gorgeously Pink tent for playing in the garden for Amber, it looks like a fairy castle.  It can be part of her birthday present, later this month.   I also bought myself one of those cobwebby cardigans, very fine and light, in a navy blue. I also came home with six new plants:  I bought Alpines as we have a shallow stone sink near the front door which my Mother had planted up years ago but all the plants had now come to the end of their life and we wanted to completely empty the sink & start again.  When we got home I planted it up right away and now it looks splendid.

  • Must go, as I said I would go & get that blood test done today & its already late...... Have a good day, All.

  •    -    -   -   -   -   -    Goodness, this is a desert!  Where is everyone?  Perhaps the sunshine is all over UK today so you are all out and about, enjoying it.

  • Haven't been posting or reading for quite a while as have not been well. Because of this I felt the only thing to do was resign from my job. I will be 60 next Oct so don't think I will be looking for anything else if my health returns. OH very supportive as he ha been advising me to put my notice in for a while. Hope you are all okay doke.

  • Fear not Lindybird, I'm out here - and, hurray! so is dibnlib.

    dibnlib: Sorry you haven't been well, but quitting the job was a good move.  Hope you'll feel better now that's behind you. Take care of yourself and hugs from here!

    Lindybird: I figured you must've stripped the house to make it Bonnie-proof, although now she's up to other mischief.  Is she still waking up your OH at night? I like the sound of your day out.

    ChrisyB: Good to see you; enjoy your day at Rutland.

    AQ: Do hope there's light at the end of the nanny tunnel. Are they both sleeping through the night and how long can you keep this up? Perhaps let daughter have a day a week (to start with) solo so she can get into a routine with them? Ya think?

    Did Not Much At All yesterday; granddaughter and Ms. D arriving a lunchtime to spend the night before they head home before the crack of dawn.  Off to Costco as soon as they open the doors.  Back later to catch up.

  • Thanks goodness!  Someone else!  Glad to hear that you had a Day Off From Doing Anything, Annette!  Bonnie did a disappearing act this morning, probably hoping to wander up the road and find my OH after he went out (he was 40 miles away!)  I looked for her and found her but am not sure how she escaped:  I put a heavy garden tub in the way of the loose looking netting by the shed.

    dibnlib:   Sorry, as Annette says, that you have been unwell, and hope its nothing that can't be sorted.  I think you might have done the right thing, too, in leaving your job as lately you've not sounded as if you enjoyed it overmuch.  Perhaps you could find a little part time thing to do if you suddenly feel rather empty handed.  I know a lot of people feel a rather at sea once they take the plunge and leave, perhaps never to go back to full or pretty much full time work.  Anyway, as Annette also says, Take Care and {HUGS} from me, too.

  • LINDY/ANNETTE   thank you for your kind thoughts.    Yes, I haven't been as happy in work as when I started 2 years ago.  Although my permanent Sundys were reversed I never felt the same about the shop and the atmosphere had changed with 2 members of Staff who had been great friends in and out of work suddenly seeme to take a dislike to each other. Don't need to work financially so think I will be doing lots of dog walking and cooking and as OH has cut his hours I am sure we will find lots to do together with Benson.

  • I'm sure you will enjoy the time with your OH and Benson, dibnlib.

    Its amazing how much the atmosphere can change in a place once there is tension between colleagues, and it can affect everyone there.

  • Lindybird: That's so true - that bad blood between two people  can spread unease all over.

    Just picked a couple of handfuls of ripe oranges to squeeze for OJ and send home with granddaughter. We have huge orange fruit on the same branch as tiny green fruit months from ripening. All very odd.

  • Hello all

    I agree with LINDY, DIBNLIB. If you don't need to work, why stay in a place that isn't making you feel happy? And if your OH is around, you won't be too lonely, you have Benson, you love your walks and lunches out, plus you like making tasty food at home. I retired early, in my mid fifties, and after fifteen years or so wonder how the heck did I find time to go to work LOL

    LINDY- I can imagine your house, it must be like mine when first child arrived. I decided that he would be brought up to respect the home and nothing would be removed. Until a very attractive set of coloured glasses that my Mum brought us from Venice hit the dust..... Obviously we didn't have to move curtains, etc !!

    BRENDA- I will have to look up field grasshopper. I know what a hornet is, though and would not have been happy.

    DIANE- Thanks for the info about Windows 10. I will have to ask my guru what to do. I don't even know what version of Windows I am currently using :-(

    Sheana is even more confused. She now thinks that I am her nephew's wife. Thank goodness I am not.

    OH is going to Moy Game Fair tomorrow. Not for me, youngest daughter and family are arriving here. The wellies, sit upon stick thing and rainproof jacket are all at the ready. Ah, the joys of Highland life!

    Regards to all

    ANNETTE- it's been an odd garden season all round, it seems.