• So sorry to hear the news of Breagha.  I keep telling myself that tragedy is the norm for most young Ospreys, though I had hoped that Breagha would continue to beat the odds.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Once again I am heartbroken.

    Although after years of following the Loch Garten nest, this is exactly what I expected.  Not a matter of if, but when.

    The tragic news, so far as I am concerned, is that Breagha was our last hope for a tagged LG offspring to return to his home nest or area.   If I am wrong in thinking he was the only survivor, please inform me.

  • I am totally gutted by the news of Breagha.  I believe a 2000 chick, or in 2000, returned to Scotland, but that is the only one as far as I have learned.  It is so, so sad.  You may have read that Noisette who lives in the area of the Gironde where Breagha was (and indeed Rothes) reported a tornado and shocking weather, with presumably flooding.  There was also the report of a German ringed osprey which had been shot in the area too.  There are so many possibilities of the cause of death.

    It is thought that the Glaslyn male, Aran, and the two juvies may have left too.  Blue 4R was last seen yesterday.  Aran caught a fish today and hung around for a taker, but none came.  Certainly a juvie was seen on the nest this morning, but no id was possible.  So this is probably the end of the UK osprey season for we voyeurs!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Unknown said:

    The tragic news, so far as I am concerned, is that Breagha was our last hope for a tagged LG offspring to return to his home nest or area.   If I am wrong in thinking he was the only survivor, please inform me.

    In recent times since EJ has nested at Loch garten we do not know of any LG offspring to return home.

    The last we have heard of goes back to a 2000 chick which Shiela FE has commented on Green 2E photographed June 2012 at Lochindorb by Mike Crutch. We do not know where he nests.

    Also a few years ago Red TA was recovered as a frozen specimen during a very cold April in Perthshire when the lochs were frozen - he came from Loch Garten nest ringed in 1996 and was undiscovered all these years until recovered.

    I think the only possibility in recent years is that one of the unringed birds or untagged birds may have returned and just yet not sighted - unfortunately for the non ringed we will never know.

    Our next best hope may be 2018 - but from the communication this year that they do not intend to tag the birds we may never know of a LG retrnee for some time. Decisiions on tagging may change given different circumstances.

    Apologies I have not zoned my internal clock since returning from a trip.

  • Yes Keith, this is an unusual hour for you to be posting. Could I ask where you have been to throw you so much off schedule?  Yes of course I can ask - but you are very good at ignoring unwanted questions.  :)

  • June - You are correct - I am very good at ignoring unwanted questions :)

    May I just say afar - enough time zones to throw you and maybe now 23:15 in my head and not 04:15.

    I think enough clues here - will just leave you to guess :).

    So just catching up on Osprey News and now time for bed as I have a golf match later - Apart from Breagha all the other news looks positive.

  • Unknown said:
    The last we have heard of goes back to a 2000 chick which Shiela FE has commented on Green 2E photographed June 2012 at Lochindorb by Mike Crutch. We do not know where he nests.

    Very interesting.  Is this photo available for posting here on the Gabfest.?

    2018 is a long time to wait with many, many ifs, ands and buts in between.

  • I won't venture any guesses, but it is now 11:25 PM in my time zone.  I believe that is 23:25 Navy time.

  • Unknown said:

    The last we have heard of goes back to a 2000 chick which Shiela FE has commented on Green 2E photographed June 2012 at Lochindorb by Mike Crutch. We do not know where he nests.

    Very interesting.  Is this photo available for posting here on the Gabfest.?

    2018 is a long time to wait with many, many ifs, ands and buts in between.

    [/quote]JUNE - Mike Crutch put the 2000 Loch Garten Chick on to canvas or in frame for sale and so can not reproduce his picture as it is copyrighted. Next best thing guide you to his site to look at Green 2E.

    GREEN 2E on canvas.

  • The IFs and BUTs were only based on there being chicks on the nest in 2016 and if tracked may be followed home if one survived in 2018.

    Now using a phrase that Jen used to use - We do not write the Book - The Ospreys Do.

    Ifs and Buts - Well first who is going to be King and Queen on the LG nest next season.

    Will they have eggs and chicks and if anything happens like last year this could be in doubt. Maybe something else out of the ordinary - Possibly a Blue XD/EJ who knows (No news of green J on the reservoir).

    Now we look forward to 2016 when the new chapter in the book starts. Now all this is fascinating.

    For those who turn away because of the failure of the chicks then dont - follow the osprey story whatever it may bring.

    I remember someone on here posting about a marriage between Caledonia and Rothiemurchus building a nest and living happily ever after and almost turned away after the demise of Caledonia - My advice to that person is go and read Pretty Woman as it ends happy.

    I firmly believe we have other offspring of Loch Garten around and also from EJ - What about the single chick on her other nest in 2002. Maybe the Yellow Rings of 2004. All four of these chicks with Orange VS.

    Then the 2006 Yellows (3 Birds) with Henry.

    2009 - Garten

    2010 - 3 great chicks all fledged but not ringed.

    and finally DRURIE of 2014.

    Now here is 12 I think of EJ offspring unknown and the stats point that maybe one of these or more are around.

    Dont give up - They provide a fascinating story as an alternative to Pretty Woman.