WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JULY 26, 2015

Hallo All:

Brenda: Sorry your celebration got postponed; hope your OH is doing better.

Heather: So, did the BBQ go ahead? Hope so.

Spent ages spreading mulch around the front garden this morning. Got totally filthy. Also was bent over under the olive trees much of the time. Rewarded myself with a very long rest in my chair in the garden; book and nap included.  Will probably topple into bed early tonight.

Here's to a good week.  Hope Margo had a fab time with her OH.

  • Ditto from here, OG and EE !

  • Ditto from here, OG and EE !

    Unknown said:


    Enjoy your dinner out this evening.

  • Thanks, people.  The car is getting cleaned for the event!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Ditto here to OG and EE!  Have a lovely evening.

    OG: Granddaughter works two 24-hour shift a week (one on the weekend), so takes classes other days. She manages to do homework/study at the (very nice and well equipped) library near Ms. D's morning pre-school, so it's been working out well. She took a a couple of "serious" classes during the condensed summer term, but the workload was horrendous and she won't do that again. She's decided not to go for full paramedic classification. Says the pay vs. the responsibility doesn't make sense. Also, her local, family owned employer sold the ambulance service to a national organization last year and everyone's dealing with a much different corporate culture.  She'd do really well with a day-care for young kiddies, but that's not in the cards right now.

    Hope we hear from Diane some time soon or I'll have to hop in the car and drive to Indiana to see what's going on!

  • Hello All -

    First of all, Happy Anniversary to OG and EE, have a lovely evening out.

    My family have been here a week now with simply awful weather the whole time, although they did have one sunny day over at Applecross.  They give me a lot of help with the shopping and cooking etc, as I cannot really do a lot yet.  I walk around the house now without a stick but have to use one outside all the time. I am trying to do all the exercises but finding it extremely painful, my knee is still very painful but bruising is disappearing at last, and I know that I am improving slowly.   My occasional gardener turned up today and has made the garden look much tidier now.

    Annette - hope your fountain is behaving itself now!

    Margo - How nice to have your sister visit while you are feeling a bit down, I do hope that the tests show better results next time.

    AQ -  have so enjoyed all the pictures and stories of your holiday.

    Brenda -  I hope your son and his wife have settled into their new home and that it is more suitable for Penny.

    Must go now, family just arrived back.

  • RITA  - The boss is now home and will say what gardening needs to be done LOL

    Take it easy. The weather is awful for time of year, I agree. My OH is quite fed up.


    Sorry I don't do individual replies much as "retirement" has not turned out to be what I had expected as far as having extra time. I do wish Margo well and all who have various illnesses, injuries and surgeries.

  • BJANE - usual story: when we retire we wonder how we ever found time to work!  Good to hear from you and thanks for the Anniversary thoughts.

    Had a great meal at a country house hotel not far away.  Even the bread rolls were wonderful - fresh-baked and therefore really crisp, not hard (I can't usually eat what are normally referred to as "crisp" rolls!).  OH started with soup while I had a terrine of roasted vegetables; we both had beautifully roasted pork loin, with a theme of peas running through it: pea mash, pea puree and mange touts, as well as roasted root veg and garnished with a wee "haggis bon-bon" (breaded haggis).  OH decided in sticky toffee pud to follow - pleased I didn't as it had a fig in the middle which I would not have liked to find in there!  I had the most wonderful chocolate fudge cake ever - so beautifully light, whereas I usually find it very heavy.  J is out at a barbecue this evening so it was nice to have a meal out on our own but without leaving him out.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Starting new thread www.rspb.org.uk/.../addpost.aspx

    Darn it!! Have no idea why this  isn't linking - did the same thing last week.