WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JULY 26, 2015

Hallo All:

Brenda: Sorry your celebration got postponed; hope your OH is doing better.

Heather: So, did the BBQ go ahead? Hope so.

Spent ages spreading mulch around the front garden this morning. Got totally filthy. Also was bent over under the olive trees much of the time. Rewarded myself with a very long rest in my chair in the garden; book and nap included.  Will probably topple into bed early tonight.

Here's to a good week.  Hope Margo had a fab time with her OH.

  • Less cold and less rain and drizzle, but still no sunshine today. J went to Carlisle; OH went for a haircut; and I went for my check-up with the GP, who was happy with how I am and my test results, so I can keep on with anti-inflammatories “as and when”.

    Brenda – I hope your OH is beginning to feel better. Sorry penny is objecting to the storms out east, but I am sure they are more severe than the ones we get here in the UK. I hope they will soon find more dog-friendly accommodation.

    Heather – enjoy the visit from younger daughter and the two granddaughters.

    Clare – I hope Limpy had another wonderful day at Minsmere, and that you will enjoy the working-party on Thursday.

    Margo – sorry to see your news was not so good at the hospital today, but I seem to remember that you have picked up after low Hb before, so I hope this was just a glitch – may even be because of increased activity last week during OH’s time off. I think the Registrar’s reminder was rather unfair, considering that the consultant usually sees you herself. I hope that Billie will also improve.

    Annette – I am sure your friend isn’t really there to inspect the vacuuming and dusting; I hope her treatment will go smoothly.

    Good to see you back again, Linda! I hope you have sorted out all your wi-fi connections and passwords now. So you will be really busy packing tomorrow for Thursday – has Bonnie learned to recognise the signs of packing and getting excited about going away?

    I started typing this before dinner, since which we have been playing Trivial Pursuit (well, have to do something to pass a dull evening!)

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hi All; Quick look in; friend is on her way.

    OG; Right, friend is certainly not here with her white gloves on, but it needed a quick run through - and that's what it got!  :-)

    Linda: Hope all your passwords work and that all your techie things are friends again.  Hope the weather is good for your few days away.

    Brenda; Have your set another date for your celebration?

    Heather: Yes, where is dibnlib?

    Will catch up tomorrow.  Take care all.

  • Good morning all just a quick post to say thank you for your encouragement. Not exactly having a good time at the moment.

    Took Billie to the vet last evening  and thankfully it is just a really heavy moult she is having so is finding it hard to groom as there is so much loose fur. Vet says she is healthy and her coat is in very good condition so there is not an allergy problem since we changed her food. He recommended a grooming brush which we have purchased at a cost of £28!  I have been brushing her every day but the brush I have was not removing enough loose fur. She likes being brushed thankfully and the new brush works much better. 

    My sister is here with me today and will spend more time with me tomorrow as at the moment being alone gives me too much time to think about things. 

    Once again thanks for being there.

    Margo x

  • Good Afternoon, All.    Been busy since I awoke, packing in a panic as we want to leave early tomorrow.  Then at 10.30am my Friend arrived with her little pup, to have a gossip (humans) and a roll around on the grass (dogs!). She had photos of her cruise to show, and we had photos of the Flower Show to show, so a couple of hours passed quickly.

    Hopefully Bonnie will now be tired this afternoon and not object to being put into her crate whilst I go food shopping and finish packing. She was excited to see her little playmate and they play together really well, without anyone biting or nipping, but plenty of growling and running around! My OH will be off to pick as many peas as he can at the allotment as they will have to be neglected whilst we are gone. Luckily one of his friends will pop into the greenhouse & water the tomatoes.

    Margo:  Glad to hear that little Billie is just moulting:  the excess fur can cause some animals a lot of distress as they can't cope with it.  What a lot to have to pay for a brush!  Expect it will "last a lifetime" as it will be good quality. Nice that your sister is able to spend some time with you to keep you company.  I am thinking of you, as always. {HUGS}

    Still having problems with the WiFi but maybe one of our offspring will be able to tell me what I'm doing wrong. Really the technical side is beyond me. At least we know have this desktop working, I really missed being able to be online.  Its surprising how much we use it nowadays.

  • ps.  The new camera seems to have taken some nice pics of the Flower Show, so that was a good practise run.  Must go get lunch now..... Sorry no time for individual replies at present......

  • Copied from the Osprey Chat page:

    Hope I am allowed to post this. There's a rather nice decorative tile of an osprey in flight on ebay at present, auction deadline 20.05 BST TONIGHT. It is not my auction item I must emphasise. I am trying to declutter, so am going to try to resist.


  • Thank you, Nature Lover :  very kind of you.  Not sure if its allowed, though!

    (ps  Its pretty, so someone will love it I'm sure....)

  • Thanks to Brenda for sending me some texts to keep me up with all your news.  However, I don't have time for replies except to say that hope Margo feels better now that her dear sister is with her, and that Rita recovers from her surgery quickly.

    I've missed dibnlib, too -  Where are you?? !  Hope all is well.

    I'll be back on Monday sometime as this is just a flying visit.   Have a nice Rest of the Week, everyone, and a Good Weekend!

  • Morning all: Friend arrived numbed to the gills but no pain this morning, so all well. Nice visit - she's a liberal  marriage to an arch-conservative. No idea how that works!  :-)

    Margo: Good that your sister is able to provide moral support and to hear that Billie is okay, if coating the house with masses of hair. Let us know how best we can help keep your spirits up during this "down" period. Here's a huge hug in the meantime.....

    NatureLover: Nice tile - and hallo to  you.

    Lindybird: Have a safe trip.

    Off to gym this morning and haircut this afternoon.  Our fountain isn't working - the second time it's just stopped. First time, we repeatedly flicked the switch with no result, then called our electrician/handyman who said to check all the CFI plugs/fuses. Nothing worked - except the next morning we awoke to find it bubbling happily away. Now it's on the blink again so will have him come out this time.

    take care everyone.

  • Laundry got two extra rinses in the garden today, but it’s a lovely evening! OH went to Dumfries, but could only complete two messages out of four!   At least he managed to collect my winter coat from the cleaners, and buy the bird food. Both the others concerned parts which had been ordered but dealers had received wrong supplies; both assured him they will be able to complete tomorrow. That will be museum day, so he will have to grab lunch in transit, so J has said he will make me bacon pancakes for my lunch. J went to the chiropodist today, and all I seem to have achieved was to make meals and bake Canada Cakes – oh, and do the filing which had accumulated in my tray.

    Margo – I hope that Billie’s moult will soon end; she must be very uncomfortable. Big investment for the special brush, but brushing her will probably be calming therapy for you both. I am pleased that your sister is able to spend time with you.

    Linda – I hope Bonnie had a calm afternoon after the play visit this morning, so that you could finish shopping and packing in peace. Have a wonderful few days away!

    Nature Lover – thanks for the link – I am very tempted, but like you am really supposed to be decluttering!

    Annette – sorry about the fountain – could it be that the water pressure in the area is reduced because of the drought?

    Think I might pop outside now, for a few breaths of air under the blue sky!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!