WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 19, 2015

Happy New Week all:

Rumbles of thunder all day, but it seems to be passing just east of us. Apparently our share arrives tomorrow evening.

I seem to have lost the Rich Text formatting option - and the text has gone weird.

OG: Apparently Aldi is going to open some stores in California. Your lunch at the Old Toll House sounds wonderful.

HEATHER: Here's a very long link to a film of passengers arriving g to board the Lusitania on its last voyage. Extremely clear images for the times. www.criticalpast.com/video/65675040085_SS-Lusitania_passengers-arrive-at-dock_passengers-aboard-SS-Lusitania_author-Elbert-Hubert

LINDYBIRD: My hammock, which as a large metal frame, is stored in the garage in favor of my zero-gravity folding chair, which is so much easier to put up and then away.

LYNETTE: Home delivered groceries sounds wonderful, except I buy from three separate stores and like to see/feel the veggies/fruit.

  • AQ: Love the idea of the Cavendish street plan.  I'll trade some heat for your cold!

  • Good morning, all!  Lindy, reading all about Bonnie's antics make me so glad we only keep birds.......the only dodgy thing they try to eat is the furniture.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning, All. I would not swap Bonnie for AQs gruelling schedule! At least Bonnie sleeps quietly in her crate at night! My OH is still getting up early, but sometimes gets a lay in until 6.00am. Although she has now discovered that some of the cement and stonework laid between our crazy paving is loose, so brings stones into the house, to crunch up on the carpet! She seems none the worse for yesterday's episode, and was bouncing around by the evening after sleeping a lot in the day. My new shoes were delivered, thankfully whilst my OH was out, LOL! They are comfy navy blue ones for walking, as I have some favourite leather ones in that colour which are wearing out - that's my excuse anyway!
  • Just going back to look at AQs pics.......
  • Massive storm clouds over us yesterday afternoon delivered just three minutes of rain! Everyone else is having flash floods, downpours, lovely soakings.   Grrrrr.

  • Good evening all

    It has been a very dull day here, the weather, I mean!

    OH won at the bowls so he was in good form. No gardening here today apart from the usual dead heading.

    We were surprised by two lots of visitors this afternoon, OHs daughter and husband and shortly afterwards my eldest daughter and her husband. Lucy brought scones,shortbread and millionaires shortbread which went down very well.All six of us had a good afternoon tea!!Just as well that I had planned a stir fry for this evening, I don't think we would have managed anything heavier.

    Hope you are all well and that Bonnie has behaved herself today.

    Thanks, AQ for your pics, hope your nanny day was/will be OK.

  • Intermittent light showers here, so no day out, though I did accompany OH to the Butcher's shop, after J eventually left for his visit to Big Sister!

    Spent all afternoon checking plans for our own next trip away, which will include Rutland Water!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Annette – No thanks to trade. I prefer cold weather to heat!

    Linda – OK so Bonnie sleeps at night, but I get to escape back to my own quiet home at the end of the day.

    Nanny day was different. Dau had forgotten to tell me that Miss19 had to swap days this week. With both of us “on duty”, we sent Dau out shopping alone. She returned after 3 hours much refreshed with an armful of bits & pieces and shortened hair. All 3 children behaved well while she was gone, but as soon they spied their mother the twins went all sooky & grizzly. Miss19 had prepared & fed them finger food for their lunch and harassed slow-poke Miss3 into eating her “samwich”. The only negative was that their first nap lasted 1 hour, the 2nd not much longer. Long before Daddy returned, they were expecting to be fed, so Dau had tea early. Dau had her meal in peace while the 2 nannies enticed 3 children to eat. Then I drove Miss19 home (it’s only a 15 min detour), popped in to say Hello to Dau#1 and arrived home at 7 pm. Curious, I fell asleep watching the Tour de France, waking as winner stepped on to stage.

  • Evening all: Finally, lower humidity and a reasonable drop in temperature. Phew.  

    AQ: Three hours away from young kiddies must seem like a long weekend to your daughter. Typical though, for them to start grizzling as soon as she showed up. Too bad you and Miss 19 can't do double duty all the time - it would be much easier on both of you.

    Heather: Sounds like a nice impromptu gathering.  Millionaires shortbread?

    Lindybird: So when your OH notices your new shoes (a highly unlikely event in my house!!) you'll say "Oh, these? Got them on sale months ago. Don't you remember?"

    OG: When are you off again? Seems like your doing a lot of local trips this year.

    Very gentle yoga class today as everyone was exhausted by all the tropical heat. Having tea with one of my Brit friends in the a.m., and another friend I haven't seen for ages on Wednesday.

    Hope everyone is okay; have a good Tuesday.

  • Diet alert! Close eyes if thinking of losing weight.
    Oh my! Oh my! That was some coffee chat with Friend. We went to Muratti, starting with coffee & cake. I had Ispahan (meringue & raspberries) – divine. (See under Individual Gateaux). We talked so long we had lunch (tomato & bacon frittata). We plan to meet again soon. Too bad we are busy tomorrow LOL.