Well there was real excitement yesterday with an intruder that sported a blue ring that could be read.
After much debate it was agreed that it was Blue CS9 We all await the identity of this bird.
Also it is Friday again and there should be another data download from Breagha. Will he have moved north? I hope so or I feel that he may be staying in France.
Tiger Signature
I can honestly say I have no idea how Odin managed to bring a fish to EJ this morning, it was pouring of rain when we left around 7 am, and before that there was one almighty downpour between 4 and 5 am, so I think we can call Odin a Super Hero today LOL.... We were lashed by wind and rain until south of Pitlochry before it eased up, thankfully it is dry at home.
Moffer glad to hear your dogs are a bit better.
Washing machine waits.
Still a dreich looking view of the webcam where you can just about see an Osprey in a tree, which must be a long way from the camera.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Just popping for a minute. Love playing hunt the Osprey :D
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
Good morning all. I just saw someone fly by the perching osprey indicated by Moffer.
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Ended up on a dead tree to the right of the above (dead) tree.
Hi CC and all.
New perch to the right of where it was.
EDIT> Your right CC. Two birds, so must be our two :)
Hi Moffer. :) EDIT: SNAP!!
Actually, there are two ospreys. your original one on the original dead tree, and then the second one on the frontmost tree. Hard to see, though - I tried to circle in my cap above.
Unknown said: Good morning all. I just saw someone fly by the perching osprey indicated by Moffer.
HAH! Most excellent Moffer! I could not catch it quickly enough but thought I should post even with no evidence. Should have known you'd find it! :))
Hope your doggies are recuperating with the comfort of your nearness.
The second bird perched for a few seconds on the tall tree that it's approaching in the cap, then flew again to where it is now.
Both my fur babies are curled up on the floor behind me. They're both eating again and are much better thank you :)