WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 12, 2015

Hallo all:

OG: Love the photo of the two ducks (not sure which kind). But which of you got down on the ground to get that shot?  The details on the drake are really striking.

Heather: I remember Circassian Circles - but only the name!  What a wonderful time you had, sounds like so much fun.

Rita: Congratulations on your knee.  Good for you.  Seems like a lots of folks on here will be happy to cheer you along in rehab.  :-)  Do you have one of those walkers? (I think they call them Zimmer frames over there).

I'll be up at 6 a.m. to watch Federer/Djokovich game.

Here's to a good week for everyone and hope Margo is doing okay.

  • The big explosion and fire at Bosley is only a few miles from us here.  We've been to Christmas brass band concerts in the local church in the tiny village. Terrible that four people are still missing.

  • Greetings from a very wet and windy Mull..

    The weather has been far better than App predicted and we even managed a good hike along Loch Ba before weather closed in.

    Good sightings of all we could wish for.

    Home tomorrow on the no  book ferry from Fishnish. First time so quite excited. It was dead cheap as by going via different ports qualifies you for hopscotch rates ( £4.95) bargain. Quick turn road at home as daughter flies back on Sunday as she is straight back on a night shift. Hope plane is not delayed .

  • Sounds horrible, LINDA - powder explosions are so powerful and dangerous.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all:  Geez Louise - I didn't know birds had tongues - well I'd just never given it much thought. Call me clueless.

    OG: I also read "ouch on the piles" and had the same immediate reaction until I connected the dots. Sounds like a busy - but good - week with more to come next week.  Re the Tullie House Museum, it's surprising how often these lesser known sites contain such unique collections.

    Brenda: "Don't these departments talk to each other?"  As Clare notes, a rhetorical question!  :-)   In addition to pile driving on the other side of the freeway (as opposed to what will happen down our road next week), a contractor for Southern California Edison has now arrived with telephone poles in tow and will be replacing some on our street, fortunately on the other side of the road so they'll be the ones without power (or that's the rumor).  I don't doubt for a moment that Margo gave you the lightning link - she probably wants fair warning of when to dive under the bed with Billie.

    Clare: I can't see you getting any kind of job once you've got into the Minsmere routine. Here's the plan: You're so charming and competent and prove so indispensable that they find the funds to offer you a job there!

    Lindybird: I read that one young survivor had bad burns; not a happy situation with four missing. That explosion must've rocked the whole village. I imagine we'll hear what caused it in due time.

    Wendy: Enjoy ferry ride and have a safe trip home.

    Went for nice long walk this morning. Is quite cool with showers forecast thanks to Mexican tropical storm and southwest monsoon clouds that are drifting our way. But as we say, we'll believe it when we see it.  Lots of comment here about actor Tom Selleck who was caught stealing water from a neighboring water district and trucking it to his avocado ranch a few miles away. He was sending a truck to take it from a fire hydrant!  The city that pressed charges hired a Private Investigator - and paid him $21,000 - to follow the truck to Selleck's place.  Apparently Selleck was fined just $21,000 - to cover the cost of the P.I. Not nearly enough in my book! He should've been thrown in jail for a few months or fined hundreds of thousands!  Grrrr.  While out walking this morning passed several suspiciously green lawns amid the "gold is the new green" signs some homeowners have put on their dying grass.

    Off for a very late start to the day. Have to take our old Honda in this morning for air-bag replacement...

  • LINDA - reporting seems confused: is it a flour mill or a wood mill?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Okay - reasearched and sorted!  They make "Wood Flour" - so it behaves like a powder but is also flammable wood.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Unknown said:
    Never taken a photo of a bird's tongue before!

    How strange you should say that - I got this at Felixstowe Ferry two days ago:

    I never knew great black-backed gulls were capable of such sheer cheek!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • LOL CLARE!!  Like your photo!

    OG - it all sounds very flammable, doesn't it? Perhaps explains why it all escalated to such a disaster.

  • Annette - sounds as if you're going to have less than a quiet time when all the work starts. I read about the "piles" in the same way! Serves me right for reading back, backwards! :-D :-D
  • OG, That is a brilliant photograph of the black headed gull, especially showing it's tongue.  
    The two houses are to be built, our end of the garden and the two bungalows built the other end of the garden, all facing inwards to a central area. The house next to us cannot be built on the building line, as their is a protected oak tree in the back garden. This is the developer who felled five trees in this garden 16 months ago, so the Council will not allow him to remove this oak tree. We are all waiting to see if the tree survives having it's roots damaged by the diggers !!

    Linda, I can understand how there was such an explosion. Four deaths and four in hospital. So sorry for their families.
    I didn't think you lived in the East side of Cheshire. For some reason I had you nearer the West.
    More shoes----- No comment. LOL

    LOL Clare, I hope the GBB gull wasn't being rude.

    Annette, I hope the forecast rain does arrive.
    They replaced all our telephone poles last year, so that is one thing that shouldn't happen again for a while.
    Very surprised that TS received such a low fine for stealing the water.

    Wendy, Have a good trip home.