WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 12, 2015

Hallo all:

OG: Love the photo of the two ducks (not sure which kind). But which of you got down on the ground to get that shot?  The details on the drake are really striking.

Heather: I remember Circassian Circles - but only the name!  What a wonderful time you had, sounds like so much fun.

Rita: Congratulations on your knee.  Good for you.  Seems like a lots of folks on here will be happy to cheer you along in rehab.  :-)  Do you have one of those walkers? (I think they call them Zimmer frames over there).

I'll be up at 6 a.m. to watch Federer/Djokovich game.

Here's to a good week for everyone and hope Margo is doing okay.

  • I agree with everyone about the probe to Pluto - its just mind blowing to think that something that small has been hurtling along for over 9 years, whilst we've been getting along with our lives down here! And what pictures its sending us!
  • I wish I had a camera like that!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning Everyone. Sunny intervals this morning and windy. British Gas are here, servicing our boiler. As it is still quite humid, I am not too happy that he has the heating on :-))

    Annette, I am hoping that the Pluto info will all be able to be received, as they say it will take 18 months. would you believe that Margo, who hates thunderstorms, gave me that link.

    Clare, Pleased to see that you were able to attend your Minsmere induction. I hope you hear from them soon.

    I started this at 8.30am but was called to watch a recording about the site next door !! So I will post now.

  • I didn't mention that yesterday we had a leaflet through the letter box, to inform us that the lane at the top of our Close, which is our only exit, will be closed to traffic for reconstruction works, for five days, starting next Monday, Work will commence at 7am. Not only will this cause us problems, it seems rather ridiculous to start the work now, when we will be having large construction vehicles using the road, when the house building commences, not to mention excavations for all the utilities. Do departments not talk to one another !!!

  • That's shocking, Brenda. Not enough notice, there's no knowing what any of your neighbours might have been planning over those few days - family parties, workmen themselves, etc!

  • Off out to a garden centre with my OH - will have to avert my eyes from their super home made cake!!

  • Looks like I haven’t been here since 14th – horror, that was Tuesday, so a lot to catch up on! That was St Swithin’s day, and a dry and sunny day; too humid to mow, but we got a lot of little gardening jobs done. We went to Gardening Group that evening for a cooking demonstration using fresh veg and fruit; we had tasters and, although I wasn’t keen on trying most of the dishes, I did like Goat Cheese and Courgette Muffins. OH was happy as there were two puddings! Wednesday was another lovely day: I even sat in the garden with my book while OH mowed (and he got it all done on the one day!). J went to the dentist (all okay) and OH to the opticians (new prescription and unfortunately needs new frames this time around). Good weather continued on Thursday, but (S**** Law) OH was at the museum all day again. I caught up with ironing and other indoor jobs, and J painted a bit more fence – only three panels remaining! The Wild Bunch met in the evening for a talk on records at Tullie House Museum in Carlisle – apparently the oldest bio-diversity records in the UK. I prefer it when the meetings don’t all fall within the same week, but the calendar makes it happen from time to time. Eventually, St Swithin changed his mind and we had heavy rain in the early hours today; now dry but low cloud. We have no particular plans, so I am hoping OH will clean the kitchen and dining room. J has just asked for early dinner as he and friends are meeting for a film this evening.

    Wendy – I am amazed that you found time to post from Mull, but it has been great to read about all your exciting sightings there! I hope the rest from Daisy has healed your fingers; mine (just the one) still clicks and doesn’t fully bend or straighten, but at least the awful pain has gone.

    AQ – pleased to see Monday was mostly a good nanny-day; dare I say, things certainly seem to be improving! Pleased that you grabbed a me-day by swapping with Miss 18; I hope Friday was bearable!

    Linda – glad Bonnie’s collar turned up!

    Brenda – when Wendy wrote “ouch on the piles”, I had to re-read so was quite relieved to find they were of the construction kind! But I remember when Daughter#1 moved into a new-build with a tiny baby (her first) there was still building work of this kind happening on the continuation of the estate – horrible noise. I am surprised that the new house nearest you will be in front of the “building line”, and I would have thought they would put the bungalows in front and the houses behind! However, pleased to see that you got the driveway altered. I am sure you wouldn’t seriously contemplate moving away from that lovely village position and community, so I hope that building will start soon and then be over and done with! Totally recognise your comment today about departments not talking to each other!

    Margo – sorry the bad first week after chemo now seems to be the norm. Don’t they give you something for your bruising and the peeling skin when you have been to the hospital? Enjoy your trips and meals out with OH next week.

    Lynette – good to see that the Garden Party could go ahead outside.

    Clare – I hope Helen stays well for end of term activities and then the school holidays – I guess hols start end of next week down there? Pleased you enjoyed your induction day at Minsmere.

    J set out to gym, and OH returned from shopping, and I am still sitting here!


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Unknown said:
    Do departments not talk to one another !!!

    I think we all know the answer to that one!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Still breezy, but more sunshine - and forecast for next four days looks improved.  Hoping for good weather for a day out Monday or Tuesday as J will be away Mon to Wednesday at big Sister's, then Granddaughters will be spending a night here next Friday on their way to summer camp.

    Before all that, we shall go to Farmer's Market tomorrow morning in Lockerbie and then down to Metal Bridge for General Interest Group "Summer Lunch" - no tea out Sunday as we shall have already eaten enough this week!

    OH isn't cleaning the kitchen after all - he's outside painting the next fence panel.

    I don't think I posted this one from Martin Mere before; anyone who knows Black-Headed Gulls will be able to "hear" the sound this one was making near our lunch on the café terrace!  Never taken a photo of a bird's tongue before!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Nice gull pic, OG - don't think I've ever caught one with a tongue out either!  Perhaps its as well your OH is painting the fence whilst its dry - he can clean the kitchen anytime!!  But there are showers over the weekend   :-(

    Have our haloes on as we only had a cuppa in the Garden Centre.  I hauled my OH around the plants, but we resisted them, too.  Then I found an instore clothing shop with a Sale on..... made him buy a light jacket in thin fleece type material, navy blue, as he is wearing more of these things nowadays and its trendier than a cardi!  :-))

    Didn't buy anything for myself, but then didn't tell him I just ordered some shoes online......