Morning all
A new Month to bring us more adventures with our new Family.
Copyright Loch of the Lowes BLOG 30th June 2015 © Alba Landscapes – Ron Walsh
Some serious wingercising and helicoptering going on
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Firts one still eating and this one really wanting to fly.....
All Images Copyright of the SWT SWT LotL Webcam
How far down is it !!!! shall I go? Hmm!!!!!
Hi KATE, LYNETTE, think it's FR2 who is practicing close to the edge!
Feed in progress.........
This one flapping again and a bird in the trees flitting, is this Mum trying to encourage ..
FISH!!!!! ~21:22 ...............
Laddie leaves Lassie to feed the chicks.......
Eager squeals from the chicks.........
Just one being fed now as another wingercises.....
Feeding over..all had seconds. Lassie finished off the tail. She just flew off and down left to the loch where she dipped her talons. Pity I didn't try a capture. She flew around and back up to the right with the chicks following her flight.......
Oooh, Laddie has just flown in with more fish.....
Lassie flies in to take it...............
Laddie is off..........
All lined up, Lassie seems to be eating most, she offered a chick some but not taken and night cam has just come on 22:17