Well as I said last night this would be my last DU for a while. It has been another very good day for watching Odin and EJ.
Tomorrow is July and that will be the last full month of ospreys. Then in August they will start flying south and the osprey experience will be over for another year.
It all goes so quickly.
Tiger Signature
EJ anticipating (to campost and back a couple of times) and receiving a lovely big fish from Odin - he can do no wrong for the rest of the day!
Due to glitches, this is the only view of the fish in EJ's happy talons:
Morning Scylla and Mary. Another good start to the day :)
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
Morning Scylla, Birdsong and Moffer
Thank You for the over night captures, so much to catch up on already, and what a lovely big fish Odin has delivered to EJ, that will keep her happy for a long time (or will it).... she does nag a lot ha ha....
Thanks for starting the thread Tiger.
All I am getting is a hiss, but glad sound is back for all of you.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Oh I just heard the faint sound of a chaffinch I think YEAH!!!! LOL...
MaryGK said:All I am getting is a hiss
This isn't good enough >:(
Something MUST be DONE!!! Have you already discussed it in Tech Test thread?
Good morning, MARY and MOFFER :-*
MaryGK said: Oh I just heard the faint sound of a chaffinch I think YEAH!!!! LOL...
GREAT! And it may have been a GREAT tit, am just going to check.
There was a little Coal Tit hopping around the nest just now, mostly blur. I'm in and out sorting my dogs out. Need coffee.
I was just happy to hear a tweet Scylla :-) or any sound for that matter Ha Ha...
scylla said:And it may have been a GREAT tit, am just going to check.
No :-( and I can't find what they were. The song at the start occurred a minute or two before they appeared.
I forgot to post this yesterday. HUGE thanks to Jen.