How can I Summarize yesterday. Well at times, down right confusing!

The day started as Wednesday finished with EJ not been seen for hours now, and a blue ringed female keeping company with Odin. We found out that the Blue Darvic ring was YA.  She was ringed by Keith Brockie nr Loch Tay on 13 July 2012, which makes her 3 years old and possibly a first time returner.

Odin promptly delivered a fish to her at about 6.30am. Her second fish from him in a 12 hour period,.All was quiet and calm between them until about 9.30am. EJ returned, and she was not best pleased to say the least! She shot off after this young lass and all morning they were taking it in turns to land on the nest defending. Meanwhile, Odin was bringing nesting material in and priming the nest up!

Here's where the confusion starts. At about 1.30pm a blue ring bird, appearing to be a male lands on the nest. Who is he? An hour or so after, YA is seen landing aggressively forcing Odin off the nest.

At 5.15pm a male bird, which I first thought was Odin, but I'm not sure, it could be A.N Other intruder, It certainly wasn't Fenrir, (head far to dark) delivered a fish to an unringed large dark female!!! Who the heck is she??? What's going on??? She took the fish and the male flew off, most un-Odin like. She remained on the nest to eat the fish and then to defend the nest. She was there for over an hour.

From then until night cam came on the only male Osprey that I saw on the nest was Odin. Dark female stopped for a few minutes, YA popped in to say hi, then just before 9pm EJ returned. She was defending the nest and food calling. At 10pm Odin delivered her a part fish!

What a crazy day! Both flew from the nest and both returned half an hour later, almost together. Odin hung his head in shame (and so he should feeding strange ladies) while EJ scowled at him. She could have been shouting, but we've had no sound again, so we simply don't know.

At least the day ended well, with our pair together and on the nest. What will today bring? Who knows.

I must add that this is totally my view of the events of yesterday.