WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JUNE 21, 2015

Good grief! Another week!  

In case you missed it, Heather is now grandma to a little girl (as yet unnamed); Rita and tortoises have arrived safely at daughter's but tortoises got up to mischief; Diane is finishing up her freelance assignment, AQ's car floor mats have disintegrated, and OG has been doing the ironing.  I've been out in the garden - how unusual. Anyway, it's all happening!

Have a good Monday all - it's the longest Monday of the year, so make the most of it..

  • Not a good day. Roadworks beside the library meant hardly any car parks. Road repairs have been "working" on that road since March. How long does it take to fix half a mile? I could only find a space in the "permit only" area. Staff warned I could be fined so I returned my pile and left, bookless. I shall have delve through my own collection. Then sitting in the bay window in the sun, I knocked over my coffee - on the new carpet. Well, I now know that the so-called scotch-guard protection (where the liquid remains in droplets on the surface), IT DOESN'T!!! I hope when my cleaning efforts dry that the stain is not obvious. And all I've got to look forward to is another night of rubbish TV and nanny day tomorrow. I'm thinking of emigrating.

  • AQ: The best advice I know of to remove a coffee stain from carpet:


    1 tablespoon of liquid dish detergent

    1 tablespoon of white vinegar

    2 cups water

    Apply a little bit of the mixture at a time, blotting frequently until the stain disappears.

    See here and  here for more complete instructions. Scroll down to the carpet-specific advice.

    Good luck, dearie.

    Have given some thought to emigrating myself. (Seriously.)

  • There is an empty spare bed here, AQ!   but at the moment you would have to put up with a Mad Spaniel, who has been ignoring the men swarming all over the house next door, and digging her way down to Adelaide as best she can.......

    EDIT:  Sorry about your carpet.  Am intrigued by Dianes tip, which is not one I've seen before.

  • Just to say, a new bobblehead has now appeared on the Glaslyn nest, where I was only last week!! Whoopie!

  • Oh, AQ, What a rotten day you had. I hope that you managed to get the stain out of the carpet. Fingers crossed that the little ones don't give you too hard a time. Reckon that all on here are thinking and hoping the same xx

    It has been a lovely sunny day here but not, apparently in Inverness, according to my OH. I phoned earlier and he and eldest son in law were having coffee and butteries(rowies where OH comes from)You'll have to Google them, they are not at all healthy and OH is very fussy about which baker they come from.I told you he would have a great time while I was away :-)

    All is well here. Babe fractious as feeding not properly established yet but all will be OK when nature takes it's course.

    Take care, all

  • Missed another two days - sorry - busy!

    Monday was garden centre for bird food and lunch the grocery shopping.  Today gardening in morning, chiropodist and ironing in the afternoon, more gardening in the evening - just came indoors!

    I think it was GEORGE who asked about the new mower - yes, EE is very happy with it, and pleased to have finished mowing yesterday - done in three sessions over the last week due to erratic weather!

    LINDA - our trip to Glaslyn was a spur-of-the-moment final day trip; if we had planned it I would have let you know.  I was pleased that they have a chick, as the viability of these two eggs was doubtful, being eggs numbers 6 and 7 for the season due to earlier - um - dalliances!  We were disappointed at Glaslyn and the new visitor centre being so far from the nest, after the views we had at Dyfi.  I would recommend the trip down to Dyfi from the caravan later this summer, but you would have to choose a cooler day and park Bonnie in the shade.  What you would see there, especially when the chiks are flying, would be worth the journey (via Dolgellau and Machynlleth)which is a lovely route in itself.

    HEATHER - sounds as if your OH is doing well without you!  Very thoughtful of you not to stay too long with the "new family" - have a safe journey home.

    AQ - sorry about coffee stain; I hope Diane's solution works for you.

    EVERYONE ELSE - best wishes!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • AQ: Spare room here too! What a pain in the tukus!  I haven't tried Diane's remedy for carpet stains, but do try water/soapy stuff first. And vinegar is marvelous for all kinds of things. For difficult stains we use something called Folex. It is allegedly non-toxic "to normal skin" (Hmmm), VOC, CFC & petroleum free, and odor-free ("no unpleasant chemicals") but does that mean only pleasant chemicals?? I shall have to Google it. Regardless, whatever anyone uses to take out a spot seems to be only temporary - I don't understand how they keep coming back!  It doesn't happen with laundry.  Can you get OH to drop you off at the library and then send him off on an errand for an hour?  Hope tomorrow is better and  that twins behave perfectly.

    Heather: I like the sound of butteries!

    Finished cleaning the house today - feel very guilty about doing the laundry even though we have new and efficient washers....  Put on the a/c in my room today - just a little - oh bliss......

    Best thoughts to George and Margo!  And Hi to everyone else.

  • Annette: I really like the sound of butteries, too!! Are they like muffins, Heather? (My tablet just changed it to batteries, LOL!) OG - I know its difficult to say in advance what you're going to do when travelling around - we ourselves were unsure of which day to go to Glaslyn because we were trying to avoid the weekend, plus as I couldn't access the internet I couldn't check whether they were open every day (last year there were some days of the week when they closed). Then a caravan neighbour of ours checked for us, as they had a powerful smartphone & they found a signal nearer to where its supposed to emanate from.
  • Not sure if we'll make it to Dyfi - we looked on the map last year & its quite a distance from our caravan, plus as you say, we would have to leave Bonnie in the car there. Luckily at Glaslyn it was a cloudy day, plus she slept for the hour we were exploring.
  • Glad you're feeling the benefit of the a/c, Annette. And a clean house! Wish that mine were.... I did impulsively clean out the pan cupboards in the kitchen yesterday, and threw out one old baking tin. Then I rooted for a juicer machine which I've not used for a couple of years, I'm going to ask the family if they'd like it & if they don't, sell it locally as we have a card display at our local supermarket.