WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JUNE 21, 2015

Good grief! Another week!  

In case you missed it, Heather is now grandma to a little girl (as yet unnamed); Rita and tortoises have arrived safely at daughter's but tortoises got up to mischief; Diane is finishing up her freelance assignment, AQ's car floor mats have disintegrated, and OG has been doing the ironing.  I've been out in the garden - how unusual. Anyway, it's all happening!

Have a good Monday all - it's the longest Monday of the year, so make the most of it..

  • LOLOL Annette. Methinks AQ is disintegrating too. (All Mondays are the longest ‘cos I’m on nanny duty.)

    Continuing VIC trip saga. Day 4 had a SA link. In 1860s some Wendish people left SA for better land in Victoria. Although they spoke a different language, the English & Scottish colonists assumed they were German Lutherans. We saw some of the Lutheran settlements – Hochkirch (renamed Tarrington), Tabor & Herrnhut. A wander around the Tabor cemetery revealed many names familiar to South Aussies. Herrnhut was a commune, only some ruins remain.

    In Penshurst we lunched, visited a volcano discovery centre and lazed through the botanic gardens. A drive up Mount Rouse, yet another volcanic peak. While some climbed to the top, I admired the view of the Grampians from the car park (we’ll visit them in a few days). Afternoon tea was under the trees in the garden of “Green Hills”, a lovely home & garden. It had been a major property in the area until it was subdivided for soldier settlement blocks in 1920s. The lady of the house introduced us to her lawnmowers – see them on my flickr pics.

  • Good morning everyone and thanks, ANNETTE.


    I've just finished reading the fascinating story of Herrhut,the founder certainly seems to have been a somewhat controversial character!

    OG- Talking of character, your determination to do the ironing even with the pain in your hand speaks volumes.

    Sam has just woken up, Mike is in the shower but I am going to stay put for a bit. We wonder if Barbara and baby (Arabella Grace) will get home today. I have got to start looking for a return flight to Inverness because of course, the price gets heftier the nearer to flying date.OH hopes that I'll be home in a day or so!! Maybe not---- Mike has got two weeks paternity leave so I'm not really needed for practical things but would like to spend a few more days with the family.Predictably,Barbaras sisters (lively duo!) have decided to call the little one Baby Bel, like the cheese,because she is 'small,red and with round cheeks'.

  • Good Morning, and thank you to Annette for starting us off again on a new week. Heather - LOL! We shall call her Bel, then, you know! Arabella is a pretty name. I hope you can stay there for a while to enjoy your family.
  • I'm still laughing about "Baby Bel!". Been to visit my sis in law, with my OH and Bonnie, who promptly emptied the dogs toy crate all out onto the floor, then played with one particular ball for the whole of our visit. Sis in law is very taken with our pup, and we can see there'll be no problem when she goes there for her holidays!
  • Have bought a dress (full length) and bolero which I hope is going to be suitable for our sons wedding - I have to put it on and ask my Friend what she thinks, as she has wonderful dress sense. It's the kind of packable, silky material and design which would be good for future holidays,so I would get future wear out of it, too, hopefully :-/
  • Annette - I'm not sure how it works out for you, but its certainly the longest Sunday of the year here today. I have to find time to get out into the garden, too - I bought some cut price bedding plants because its getting late for planting them now, so in they need to go. AQ - Hope you are not disintegrating at quite the same rate as your car mats! Nor that you look QUITE so frayed at the edges!!

  • Thanks for starting the week ANNETTE - amazing that it is already a week since we returned from hol.  Occasional short light showers today have prevented mowing, so OH has at last done a "proper" clean in kitchen and dining room.

    AQ - I hope you have survived your Monday duty and are getting a good rest.  Will digest your Victoria trip later.

    HEATHER - I hope all continues well and that Baby Bel will get home today.  Do stay a few days, I am sure OH and the rest of the family will manage without you while you enjoy your new granddaughter!

    LINDA - good that Bonnie makes herself at home when visiting your SiL, so you know she is happy there.  Does SiL still do temp puppy-sitting for guide-dogs?  New outfit sounds special, but also practical and useful.

    J was at a BBQ after morning service, and not home yet; I think he must be networking in preparation for youth mission next month - he was at a meeting about it yesterday, in Stirling, so probably has information to share with the team.  We shall go to evening service.  Travelling around here is a nightmare this weekend due to road closures and inadequate alternative routes.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Quick look in.  

    Heather: LOVE that name - so great that the "old" names are making a comeback.  Grace is Ms. D's second name too!  Good chuckle at Baby Bell - why do I think that name will stick?

    Linda: No more plants going in here now due to drought, although the nurseries are full of them. Was a bit naughty and left the soaker hose on low for a while around the orange tree as would hate to lose it.  Some of the fruit has split, which is a sign of stress - same thing happened last year, but it didn't affect the taste. We also have the tangerine tree, which is young - and two young Chinese Pistache out on the parkways, which will also need a good soak at some point.  Is that a floor length dress for the wedding? Let's us know your friend's verdict.  :-)

    OG: How are you feeling?

    We have put my daughter's old car (formerly OH's old car) on craigslist last night - it's a great way to buy/sell anything here - and have already got 10 responses. It's an older Camry, reliable but cosmetically challenged due to daughter's informal driving style.  Also really MUST clean kitchen and start working my way through the housecleaning or the HazMat team will be called in. Seem to have all kinds of things suddenly show up on the To Do list... plus I have a second writing assignment from my former employer. Still, it's all good as the kids say.

  • Annette - Yes, its a full length dress, that is, on my legs it comes to the tops of my shoes! I'll have to wear heels so if its deemed to be The One, I'll be off shopping to find something suitable for shoes but hopefully comfortable - weddings go on for hours these days so although it's in an afternoon, we may well be dancing into the small hours......  It has a plain bolero or short jacket which I could discard later. Then there's the hat problem: I look terrible in hats except for huge picture hats so it will probably be a fascinator. I wasn't going to buy an outfit yet (wedding is in September) but saw this and just liked it. It's also quite flowing and stretchy, but I won't let myself down on the dieting as it would be nice to still lose a few pounds :-)

    EDIT - Am off to Friends house in the morning for a coffee & a trying on session, will let you know how I get on:  fingers crossed.......

  • Hope you can get a good price for daughters car. We saw an advert for a car like our 2nd car, which is now 20 years old - they wanted 150 pounds for it!! We laughed as we know its only worth scrap money, but we still have to pay more insurance per year than its worth. When my OH had a problem with one of the electric windows sticking recently, he said he wouldn't get it mended, then he managed to sort it out himself by taking the door lining off. Now, we just don't lower that window any more, LOL! He uses it to go to the golf course & the allotment, so that I still have a car to drive wherever.

    OG - My sis in law doesn't have trainee guide dogs any more as she was so bereft when Nessie left. She's told the Guide Dog people she will have a dog temporarily if they need someone to step in because of a trainer having a holiday or illness, etc. She still looks after local friends animals whenever they go away, and its not unusual to find 3 dogs cavorting about on her lawn!