WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015

Hallo all.  Long day out; nice to see grandson and partner and see photos from the Bahamas.  Had a strawberry waffle for breakfast, but was seriously taken aback by frozen strawberries - this in a town literally surrounded by strawberry fields and farm stands bursting at the seams with luscious ripe berries. 

Off to catch up with last few posts from the previous week.

  • Heather, Have you shrunk your OH ? My memory tells me, he is far from little and certainly doesn't look old :-)))

  • Plans have changed here. Just had a phone call to say OH's new specs are ready, so will now take him to the optician.  

  • Have been playing with my photos:  here is the first offering, as Bonnie discovered to her annoyance that she seems to have grown since our last visit to Wales!

    "Didn't I used to fit through here? - can I still push my way through?!"

          -  -  -  -  "NO!   --  Darn it!"

  • Now I've had time to properly read back over everyone's posts since I left:  See that Heather's granddaughter Amy has been having problems, hope its better sorted and managed now, Heather.  A bit worrying for your daughter.

    AQ:  Great that Miss19 is being so helpful:  it will be a good bit of experience for her, managing little ones!  You must be wondering what life was like a year ago, before the twins arrived...... I expect you've forgotten ;-)

    george:  Great that you don't appear to have anything wrong with your lungs:  maybe you're a bit of a mystery to the experts! Sounds as if they are really going to have to "wait & see" to decide what ails.  Meanwhile, you can remain an Interesting Case, ;-)

    OG:   Seems we missed you at Glaslyn by only two days!  What a shame - we could have met up.  I didn't think it was on the menu as you were heading for Dyfi.  Never mind.  Isn't Wales beautiful in June?  We saw so many wild flowers by the roadside, and I have taken dozens of photos. Also, at this time of year, its quiet everywhere, as the children have not broken up from school for the summer, yet. Glad you sounded as if you had a good time.

    Annette:   I used to feel so very good in body and mind after my once a week yoga sessions, years ago.  We had an excellent, experienced teacher, who pushed us a little, to try new poses, but never tried to make us do too much. She retired from travelling so far, to our town, and only kept up her lessons in her local area, which sadly was a long way from here. So I've never done it except for the odd practice at home, since.  Talking of vertigo, I sometimes have times when I feel dizzy in certain situations, and am convinced its just something in my ears which is at fault.  It comes and goes.

    Brenda:  My OH once bought me a full set of clubs for golf, on my birthday.  I have been out with him for 9 holes a few times but of course like a lot of things, you need regular practice to keep up.  I seem to have an aptitude (I used to be able to hit a tennis ball OK in my youth) and I do quite enjoy it but its very time consuming.  Certainly prefer it to bowls:  he plays Crown Green Bowls as I mentioned once or twice, and its in team matches, which is just not me at all - hate being in teams for anything!  He has not played bowls for about 18 months now since he had a back problem and has used that as an excuse not to go back:  his back is OK now.  I think he stopped enjoying it for some reason.  Now he's quite keen on his golf, its been something he's finally got time for after many years of working sometimes 6 days a week. And he seems to be quite good at it, he is keeping up with some friends who have been playing two or three days a week for years, even though he is far behind in experience.

    tina & bjane:  Nice to see you on here!

  • Sorry if I've forgotten anyone:  dibnlib, I was pleased to see that everything seems to be alright at work, now, after your little hiccup.  Your days off with your OH sounded lots of fun!

  • What drama here! Son collected me from airport, DiL at home but had her sister with her. We got a call to say contractions had started and by the time we got to the house one and a half hours later she was ready for hospital. Well at least I got here in time. Sam is insisting on sleeping in my bed tonight (to look after me,lol). No news yet.

  • Hope all goes well, Heather :-)

  • Greetings from a nippy Adelaide. Down to 4.5 C last night.

    Yes Brenda, the summer sun is the culprit. The car upholstery inside the back window was grey, now it is a sort of mauve fading to white. But I don’t care what a car looks like – as long as it takes me where I need to go!

    Heather – I’ll gladly send pasties . . . as long as you send a nanny to relieve me. LOL

    Linda – Did I have a life before twins? Will I ever again? <sigh> Gorgeous pics of Bonnie.

    {{{HUGS}}} to Margo.

  • Evening all:  Nice visit with daughter this morning followed by a trip to the gym this afternoon before picking up yummy fresh salads (curry chicken, broccoli mandarin orange and so-called "anti-oxidant" salad - very Californian!) from nice market near the gym, so an easy dinner for me.

    Lindybird: It seems it's always Friday these days (never seemed like that when I was working).  My, Bonnie, what big ears you've got!  Speaking of ears, OH is faithfully doing his exercises to get his under control.  I'm sure you know that you can get dizzy if you stand up too quickly.

    AQ: Never heard of car mats disintegrating like that, even in our climate. Interesting.  When will car boot be repaired?

    Brenda:  Congrats on the bowls win!  We use the Spode (inherited from OH's Mom) every day and put it in the dishwasher. We also have (also inherited) some really lovely, delicately etched Fostoria stemware that lives in the cupboard most of the year.  

    Heather: Wow. Sounds like you arrived in the nick of time.  Will be very interested to log on in the a.m. and read about developments. I get the Hotter catalog - they always look so comfortable.  Now I have a very difference image of your OH - little old man wasn't my impression.  :-))

    Hope everyone has a good Saturday.

  • Good (very early) morning

    Babe arrived at 3.30 am,a little girl. Sam heard my phone, of course, he's very exited - 'Finally,I'm a big brother!'

    There is no way he is going back to sleep, indeed I've just been brought a slice of toast.

    BRENDA and ANNETTE no I haven't shrunk my OH, he has never been taller than 5'9 on a good day!

    Have a good day,everyone