WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015

Hallo all.  Long day out; nice to see grandson and partner and see photos from the Bahamas.  Had a strawberry waffle for breakfast, but was seriously taken aback by frozen strawberries - this in a town literally surrounded by strawberry fields and farm stands bursting at the seams with luscious ripe berries. 

Off to catch up with last few posts from the previous week.

  • OG: Yes, girl friend did indeed go. They swam with dolphins that have access to the open ocean and are free to come and go as they please, but are are tagged to monitor their comings and goings.  Have a safe drive home.

    bjane: OH has some new meds and another appt with the physio types in a week or sooner if they have a cancellation.  Did it take just one visit to sort you out?

    Hope everyone else is well and safe.  Have a good Sunday all.

  • Twins enjoyed their birthday party. Dau had made a cake for each & they had their slices outside on the lawn. Someone suggested a hose was needed after rather than a bath! Pics here. Half the guests were young enough to race around with Miss3. Dau was anticipating a hyperactive evening. I hope all have recovered before tomorrow when I’m on nanny duty. Speaking of which, I was very impressed with Miss19 who was busy caring for the little ones the whole time.

  • AQ: Oh very cute. Looks like they enjoyed the cake.  :-) Good for Miss 19!

  • Lovely pics AQ, brought back memories, I can tell you!

    I have received the summons to go to Shropshire. New grandchild expected any day. Goodness knows how long I will be away but fly south on Friday. My OH will manage reasonably well on his own but I hate leaving him. He looked suitably dejected for ten minutes or so.... Who is he trying to kid? He'll have a ball, eating what he wants, where he wants, and with a daughter a stepdaughter and a daughter in law to fuss over him:-)

  • Hello Everyone - I am afraid that I have been lurking for the last few days as have been very busy, especially with the garden and greenhouse,  there is a lot to do at the moment as I am hoping to go away at the end of the week.  My neighbours are away at the same time so I have no-one to look after the tortoises, so am having to take them all with me, will leave the three males at my daughters and take the two females to my son in solihull.  I have bought five boxes online that just fit exactly in the boot of the car, Amber will have to share the back seat with the rest of my luggage!!  what a palaver!!!     As Heather has mentioned , we had two or three gorgeous hot days up here, I actually got into some thin summer trousers and sandals (no socks!) then  the next day it turned so cold that I had to pile on the jumpers and turn the heating up!   However, today it is nice again and I am having to avoid an area just below my sitting-room window as Robins are very busy building a nest there amongst some irises.  I have several nests in my garden this year, blackbirds and sparrows mainly, but lots of starlings visiting my lawn with their babies running all over the place.   I have also had rooks in the garden this year for the first time.   About eight or ten of them arrive together, they are enormous, and finish all my bird food very quickly, bit of a nuisance really.  I will post a picture of two of them below, it is not very clear as taken through the window glass.

  • I have kept up with reading all the news but am a bit late to reply to everything.

    Heather - How exciting to be having a new grandchild, I hope that you have a good journey and enjoy your stay, I am sure your help will be very welcome.   I was so sorry to hear about Amy and Alison's difficulty with the new pump, do hope they can get it properly sorted out soon.

    AQ - Glad to hear that the birthday party went well, loved the photo of the twins, they certainly looked as though they were enjoying their cakes!   I also enjoyed all the church pictures, beautiful stained glass.

    OG - What a nice holiday you have had, visiting lots of places that I have been to also but I have never been to Dyfi, I am so glad that you enjoyed your visit there.  Are you home again now ?

    Annette - Glad to hear that you had a nice lot of rain for your garden. Your grandson must have had a marvellous holiday, something to remember for a long time!    Sorry to hear about your OH's vertigo, I hope he will find something to settle it.  I have suffered with some bad spells of it for years, and take medication for it but I mainly find I have to wait until it gets better, sometimes takes weeks to clear up completely.   Have never tried physio, but it sounds as though it might be very helpful.  

    Dibnlib - You mentioned going to a Fancy Dress do as Aunt Sally.   I also went to Fancy Dress Party where my friend went as Aunt Sally and I went as Worzel Gummidge with bits of straw sticking out all over me!!  I hope I did not shred it all over the floor!

    Brenda - Your garden must be looking very nice now, you have been working so hard at it.  I am not able to do so much gardening at the moment which worries me as my arthritic knee is really painful all the time, I cannot bend or kneel which makes gardening difficult and very slow.  I do have a gardener who comes to mow my lawn once a week so I do not have that job to do, thank goodness.

    There are a lot of people that I have not mentioned today but I hope you are all OK and will enjoy the rest of the day.

  • RITA- great to hear your news, I hope that you enjoy your time away, even though you have live baggage!

    We think that there is a robin nest here but haven't managed to track it down. OHs tame blackbird continues to keep us happy, he even hears us talking in the conservatory, cocks his head and hops up to the outside bench where OH sits and feeds him.

    What a lovely evening here, after a cloudyish day and NW wind, all calmed down, sun pouring into our sittooterie which is roofed and covered on three sides, so we ate our evening meal there. Nothing beats home when the weather is right......

  • I agree there Heather.   I love the word sittooterie!

  • Safely home - tired.  Very hot and dry here at home - according to J has been like this all week.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Annette: Yes, in my case, it did take only one visit. I had been on meclizine for weeks and while the vertigo was not as nauseatingly bad as it was in the beginning, I still had to sleep sitting up, couldn't bend over, was just feeling dopey and my Dr suggested I try physiotherapy. The therapist asked that I keep my eyes open and turned my head slowly a few times and said, yes I was a good candidate for manipulation. (I guess if your eyes roll back in your head.....) She turned my head very slowly from side to side as she watched my eyes. When she was done, I walked out and felt fine. These manipulations work for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (an imbalance in the inner ear) which is usually what I suffer from. I hope your OH can get help. The physiotherapist did say it often takes 2 or 3 visits.