DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~Sunday, 14th June 2015.

As my wise teacher said yesterday, start the thread with a bald announcement.
So here goes
Other than that all is quiet on the nest.

"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

Magnus Ullman

My Flickr account is here

  • I'm not teaching you very well, LIMPY - you didn't put the announcement on the end of yesterday's first, poor dear TIGER has had to do it ;-)

    That being said - not that I'd wish baldness upon myself, but I do envy the economy in time and money of baldness :-*

    (EDIT - I left out the hahaha ;-D )

  • Nothing else to report ENS.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • scylla said:
    I'm not teaching you very well, LIMPY - you didn't put the announcement on the end of yesterday's first, poor dear TIGER has had to do it ;-)

    Sorry that is an incorrect interpretation of what happened. 

    What did happen was that both Limpy and myself went to create a new DU thread at exactly the same time. Since Limpy managed to get there first I deleted my preparation post. 

    It is definitely the right thing to do to post the intention to create a new thread before actually creating one.

    This has two good effects

    1. It should alert anyone else doing the same and stop duplication.

    2. It allows a "crossover" of threads such that the newer thread ends above the older one. 

    I was intending to write some of my thoughts as to what might help the management of the DU thread overall. 

    One of the things which I feel would help is that if we had some sort of timetable as to who is on "starting duty"

    For example it would be good if the same person did the starting for a week say and then someone else could take over for another week etc. 

    Also maybe some thoughts on what the DU thread is trying to achieve in the first place. 

    Although there are no chicks this year is does not mean that nothing of note will happen. 

    What if Breagha arrives back and lands on the Loch Garten nest?  What if Blue XD gets fed up with being home alone and decides to take a little trip over to Loch Garten which he may have fond memories of?

    As always the community is far wider than most people realise. For every poster there are  maybe 10  readers (lurkers). 

    Am I right in thinking that there was a thread to discuss the DU thread last year? Maybe we need to take a look at that thead again. 

    See  Recording events on the Loch Garten Nest

  • When it comes to brevity in starting threads  then Sandy achieved near perfection on Sunday 15 July 2012 

  • Can't post!

    EJ and Odin have been on the nest, Odin is still there, but I can't post !!!

  • Hazel b said:

    Sorry that is an incorrect interpretation of what happened. 

    What did happen was that both Limpy and myself went to create a new DU thread at exactly the same time. Since Limpy managed to get there first I deleted my preparation post. 

    It is definitely the right thing to do to post the intention to create a new thread before actually creating one.

    I knew exactly what had happened once I saw that you had deleted your post, TIGER, but thought I'd let sleeping dogs lie.

    It's taken me a very long time to do this second post, nothing responding correctly but I think it's OK now.

    Odin has left after doing some nestorising.  I'll do a video.

  • I had intended to start the new DU today but I fell asleep shortly before midnight! Unfortunately for those of us whose health / sleep patterns are unpredictable, I think it would be too onerous to have a timetable for DU starting.

    Totally agree that the process of starting a new thread is

    1) Post on old thread that you are going off to create new one

    2) Start new thread (with few words) and save new URL

    3) Return to old thread and add 'posh link'

    4) Optionally, return to new DU and edit your starting post to say a little more

    Edit: As Tiger said, step 4) will put the new DU above the old one in the list of threads, so a good thing to do!

    Scylla has already described this but in a more succinct way...!

    Current view of nest


    Odin had arrived first:

    Then EJ, also flourishing her wings;

    EJ didn't stay long:


    I wish this pic was clearer, this was such an awkward stick:

  • Hello, Scylla! I now see that you have posted twice in the time I took to post my comment and I didn't see any nest activity as I can't get my iPad to connect...

    As usual, I look forward to seeing your round up - now back to sleep for me.