DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Saturday, 13 th June 2015

Another new day begins  and all is quiet on the nest.

"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

Magnus Ullman

My Flickr account is here


    0856hr Odin landed, piping - he stayed nearly 3 minutes:

    WHO'S THIS?!  It couldn't be FENRIR, could it?  Or is it Odin, wet?

    I think it's me being alarmist ;-)

    Very shortly after he flew, EJ landed.  Her micro-behaviour is 'interesting':


    Still processing =

    Who's in the tree?  Must be Odin, he and EJ mate on nest, she stays, chirping and pottering, as if mourning her eggs:


    I'll check now if any more is needed.

    Cam's been down for "some time", I have browser on 1-minute refreshes.

  • Hi to all.

    I'm proposing that as from the start of Monday that we go to a weekly update instead of daily updates for the rest of this season. There is not that much happening on the nest or even off the nest and it is hard to find something to put at the start of each DU.

    Please can you all give some thought on this. If I could have some feedback to whether we should or should not go this way for the remainder of this season I will happily go with what the majority want.  

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Hi Limpy, I am not so regular these days, but it it reasonable to go for a weekly schedule I think, so I'd vote that way. I would suggest starting the week every Sunday, which is what I think you are proposing.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Personally I think we should leave to Scylla and Moffer to decide. They appear to contribute most and some days there are still a number of pages. I think that just because there are no chicks it does warrant a change in how the threads work. If people don't wish to contribute or read that is up to them but I think leave to those that contribute most but I like reading daily. I find when working 9 hours a day a daily thread useful.

  • Sorry I've not been able to be around much recently - many thanks for all your posts, especially Scylla for her overnight/early activity round up and Moffer's long hours of watching.

    Do so agree with gratitude to LG staff for following EJ and Odin - amazing to observe the pair together on the 'love' tree!

    Cam still down for me.

  • I'm happy with Lmac's suggestion that Scylla and Moffer should decide on frequency of the "Daily" Update.

  • Brilliant Scylla, thank you. I couldn't watch much this morning, had Nana duties, and then took them to the village festival. I knew that our pair had been on the nest. The sticks had been moved, and there was no wind to speak of. I've had a problem with my PC running hot, so hubby has been looking at it. I lost sound for a long time, hence, I missed my cue to birds landing. I also think that it was only a wet Odin and not Fenrir on the nest. His head is a lot lighter.

    As for the DU. I am very sad to see it go, but I can't complain if others want a weekly update, as I am rarely awake late enough to start one. I personally am really enjoying seeing our pair in non breeding form. I am finding it very interesting indeed, to view their more natural, non chick based activities. We may never have the chance to see this again.

    Sorry if I sounded a little grumpy this morning, but I had my hands full with 3 under 7 year olds (and a 9 week old baby) and my dogs were trying to get my attention, all while I was trying to get here.

    I know that we all appreciate each others efforts here, I certainly do, so sorry if I offended anyone.

    If tomorrow is the last DU, I suggest a poll is set in the introduction, so everyone will see it and can vote for an option, such as A = stay as it is, B = Weekly Update, C = Monthly Update. Just so it's fare and everyone gets a vote.