Stages of the night:
Landing, skydancing, landings:
Off she flew:
Back she came:
And here he is - no touchdown onto EJ, straight for the cam ;-) His Gorgeousness!
(Just lost my post *wail*)
She's gone, to Odin's surprise:
Big wing stretch:
And strange posture slowly evolving:
Some tidying at the back of the nest:
Flew 0312hr:
The cuckoo couple is "at it" vocally - trilling from her, cuckooing from him.
It's been going on for a while but I had the speaker too low so only noticed it while editing the video (which I shall add to above post later).
Cuckoo-ess still trilling :-)
Odin is back with a couple of pipes:
DAYCAM 0350hr:
He's examined the nestcup area a few times:
And off he went:
And the cuckoos continue to court :-*
Got to install Windows Updates on this lappie, SYL.
Wind sounds strong but there's no evidence of it disturbing the nest at the mo:
Odin's back pottering:
I'm off now, see y'all later :-)
And he's gone