WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JUNE 7. 2015

Hallo all!

  • Evening all:

    Tina: Good to see you and to hear that you're doing better. Is it the posture associated with sitting at a computer that's contributing to the headaches?

    Heather:  Hope you're going to plan some "Heather" time over the weekend.

    OG: Interesting that the Centre for Alternative Technologies still seems to be in the dark ages re accessibility. :-)

    Lynette: Have fun at the dance/charity event. Good luck to your SiL

    Daughter and I are off to have breakfast with grandson and his partner tomorrow. He won a cruise to the Bahamas (!!) and we're off to hear all about it and see the photos.  OH is having trouble with his ears - an attack of the wobblies - so is staying close to home.  Doc is trying a couple of new meds to see if they can sort it out, along with exercises.

    Have a good Saturday everyone.

  • Good Morning Everyone. ( Is there anybody there ? )  The rain belt has moved away from us now. We only had a couple of very heavy downpours here, yesterday, with no thunderstorms. Very cloudy morning, with a cool 30mph wind. Thank goodness all the humidity has now passed.

    Tina, Lovely to hear from you and to know that you are now recovering.

    George, I was so pleased to read that your scan showed that you have no lung problems. I hope you hear very soon about the extended blood vessel and the treatment / non treatment, that the Team decides would be best for you.

    Heather, It was good to see that Amy returned home yesterday. I hope that she and Alison had a good night's sleep, last night.
    Sorry to hear about Sheana, but obviously not a surprise for you. You really could do without all this trauma you have suffered recently.

    OG, Our garden is not looking wonderful. I keep buying plants to put some colour in the existing flower beds, until OH makes up his mind what his future plans are going to be. I am always willing to have lunch out, though. LOL
    The craft centre sounded a safer alternative for a visit :-)) I wonder how much you spent there !!

    Lynette, "Strictly" sounds a lovely way to raise money for charity. Hope your DiL does well.

    Annette, Sorry to hear your OH has ear problems, causing balance problems. We have two male friends in the bowls club, who are having the same problem. They are now both going for exercise instructions, which they say make them feel worse. Medication hasn't worked as yet. One tells me that the doc's think that it is possibly a calcium blockage.  
    How superb that your grandson won a cruise to the Bahamas. 

  • Yes, I'm here, BRENDA :-)

    Its cold today up here, wind straight from Iceland.

    Amy and Mum are feeling better now,her levels have settled down. Alison always checks at midnight and 6 am as routine. If things have been unstable or after the scary episode of the other night, then she checks every two hours at night for a couple of nights. In the daytime Amy can monitor sugar levels herself and does so, at school.

    ANNETTE- I seem to remember that your OH has vertigo? I found that the exercises/manoeuvres helped but I see that BRENDA's friends found the opposite.

    OG and EE- thank goodness you didn't attempt the dodgy access! I'm glad that the weather is being kind to you and thankful that your accommodations seem to be fine. I remember the problems you had a few years ago with a long walk and stairs etc.

    I'm waiting for the youngest family to arrive. They are in Inverness shopping and will call in here at some point.

  • Our last evening here, and having to avoid bright sunshine over the screen.  A day of extra Ospreys and extra Narrow Gauge Railways!  We went to Glaslyn and saw train and Osprey in the same place, but it is not a good view of Ospreys there compared with other places.  Then we drove down to Porthmadog and photographed several engines on the Welsh Highland railway, and the Ffestiniog line.  Had a pub dinner on the way back (beef lasagne for him, veg lasagne for me)and will start our packing this evening.

    LYNNETTE - Michael Pattie,our local man who took part in "the People's Strictly" on TV, was chosen because he organises an annual local Strictly for charity.

    ANNETTE - what a wonderful prize for your Grandson to win: did his partner go with him?  Sorry about you poor OH with his ears.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Woops!  Posted too soon!

    BRENDA - we never got the storms, just a drop of rain in the early hours today, and then light drizzle while we were driving.

    HEATHER - pleased Amy and her Mum are coping.

    That's all from Wales - next post from me will be at home!  Must say, I shall be glad to be back in my own bed!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Heather, I thought you were going to have a quiet day, but I am sure you were pleased to see the youngest family.

    OG and EE, Hope you have a safe and comfortable drive back home. You do seem to have done so much this week. There is never a bed that is as good as your own.Pleased to hear that you avoided all the rain.

    We have spent half an hour trying to find out why we couldn't receive any incoming phone calls, but we could ring out. We had to check each phone on the first phone line into the house. Result was that our bedroom phone was causing the whole problem and has to be thrown out. 

  • Annette- I have suffered with vertigo at least once a year for years. Sometimes the medicine worked well and other times it didn't. Last year my Dr sent me to a physiotherapist who manipulates the head. I went in with vertigo and walked out without it. I would opt for the manipulation everytime but of course they make us try the meds first and only send you to the specialist if all else fails. Hope your OH gets relief.