WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JUNE 7. 2015

Hallo all!

  • Evening all:  

    Heather:  Geez.  That's terrible about Amy's pump problem. It would be bad enough if the nurses did know what to do, but their lack of training must be very disconcerting.  I must be stressful for Allison (and you) going to bed every night with the possibility of a crisis lurking. Is Amy out of hospital yet? Your OH and I have something in common - the kitchen is something I'd prefer to walk through on my way to the garden. :-)

    patily: Hallo there!

    OG: What a lovely trip this is turning into for you guys!  :-)

    AQ: I'd say anything would be more interesting than sorting out the bathroom.  Bummer about the cold;  seems to be side effect of nanny-duty no matter where in the world you live.

    Lynette: Sounds like Monument Valley in Arizona, where they (the Navajo) give tours in 4x4s but also let you drive an ordinary car - nothing I'd advise. It must be nice to be back to your normal swimming routine.  I've gone back to my old weights/aerobic schedule of late given that our favorite yoga teacher is only there one day a week now (she's a new grandma).  When she taught three times a week, she'd focus on specific poses each week and increase their intensity over each class. Now we have different teachers with different methods and I don't feel I've been making any progress at all.  Many of the long-time attendees are pretty frustrated.

    Hope everyone else is okay, especially Margo and George..

  • Good Morning Everyone. We have had some heavy rain this morning, but no thunderstorms as yet. It is already feeling quite humid.

    Heather, I was so sorry to read about Amy and Alison. A frightening experience for them both. I hope Amy has fully recovered.
    I had to clean my kitchen floor last night, as it was obvious that My OH had been in the kitchen without removing his gardening boots !!!

    AQ, You do seem to be catching more than your fair share of colds, recently. If only you could stop nanny duty until you fully recover and return to full health again.
    Your night night temperatures sound very low for you.

    Annette, What a pity about your yoga classes. It really must be frustrating for you. You have always said how relaxed you feel, after your classes.

    OG, So glad to read that your holiday is such a success, both for the places you are visiting and the good food. One of the main points of a good holiday for me, is not having to cook and having excellent meals served for me :-))

    Lynette, Well done on your swimming. You must be feeling proud of yourself now.

    Margo, I hope all is going well during your chemo week and I also hope you miss the torrential rain and thunderstorms.

    George, Thinking of you. Hope you are managing to enjoy the warmer temperatures.

  • Off out for lunch and visit the garden centre.

  • Good afternoon all when you hear about the problems that poor Amy is having your own problems seem trivial as we have lived our life whereas she has her whole life to look forward too.

    I am the lucky one as the scan showed that there was nothing wrong with my lungs but what was showing was an extended blood vessel coming from the heart and now the cardiac consultant is consulting with his colleagues in Edinburgh to decide whether it should just be left or something done about it.

    Diane I hope that you are not feeling too bad during this chemo session and looking forward to being able to enjoy your food once again.

    OG I see that your are enjoying your time away and I hope EE gets the missing parts soon and delights us with some stunning photos

    Hope everyone keeps well and enjoys the sun while it is here

    george g

  • Hello all

    Just a quick pop in to say that Amy is home, and to thank you for your kind thoughts and encouraging words.

    Great news, George!!about your health.

    I'll be back here later with a better update. It's a beautiful day here. Off to see Sheana in a bit.

  • Morning all:  

    Heather: Good to know Amy is home; poor kid. Hope there are no more crises along those lines.  In the meantime, fingers crossed you don't have to spend too much time searching for poor Sheena's smalls, etc..

    George:  There's a growing tendency in some medical circles to opt for "watchful waiting"  in many conditions. Let us know what your doc decides. 

    Margo: I'm sure we all echo George's wishes that your not doing too badly; we'll look forward to hearing from you when you're up to it.  Hugs in the meantime.

    We've settled into our June Gloom pattern: overcast mornings and sunny  afternoons, although the marine layer has been particularly heavy and slow to clear these last few days - perfect for gardening, speaking of which.....

  • Good afternoon everyone, its been a number of days, I haven't felt too good, plus headaches, so I have refrained from typing, which has helped. Feeling much better today, so I will now go and read back.

    Hope you are all well.

  • TINA - sorry that you have not been feeling well but glad to hear that things are getting better and good to see you here again!

    Sheana was not good today, asked me about 20 times if it was her birthday tomorrow (it is not, her birthday is in March) but we'll wait and see how things go.

    Amy is now OK, I'm going to have to get education re the insulin pump as she is spending the night with OH and I in a few weeks time. It is all a mystery to me, despite being a retired nurse. I trained in the days of insulin injections and a very strict diet. Anyway, Alison is feeling better about things, and as you said, LYNETTE, now that this has happened, she will be more prepared to deal with a future serious hypo.

    Our hot day changed about 5pm. Wind now coming from the north and quite cool, rain forecast for tomorrow.

    I see that thunderstorms were forecast for the South of England, thinking about MARGO who will be nervous xx

    Hope that OG, EE and also LINDY, her OH and Bonnie will have a good time on their hols xx

    Take care all...

  • Hello, ALL.  Hope those with rain are not too troubled with the thundery weather.  Been hot and humid here today, and quite hazy.  Rain never came, and forecast seems to think tomorrow's rain will come very early so the day could be drier than we feared.

    BRENDA - that statement about lunch and garden centre seems to be a regular report these days - your garden must be looking wonderful by now!

    GEORGE - so pleased the lungs are clear, and I hope you soon get a decision about the blood vessel and aren't kept hanging about for it.

    HEATHER - glad Amy is home - thinking about her and her Mum tonight, as I am sure they will be quite apprehensive.  Sorry about Sheana - you are so good to her, amid your family's troubles.

    TINA - sorry you have been ill again; pleased you are feeling better now; take care.

    Thinking of MARGO this week, DIANE Busy on her project and LINDA on holiday.

    We were going to go to the Centre for Alternative Technologies today, but on seeing the forty year old structure of reception and the water-balanced cliff railway, and the steepness of the alternative "accessible" way up the quarry, I chickened out!  The first board I trod on when thinking about entering at the bottom and using the "railway" was rotten, and the condition of the track was definitely an "elf and safety" issue - if I wanted to take risks I would go to Alton Towers!

    So, instead we spent a lovely day at a craft centre: a complex of real crafts-people who we could watch at work - and buy from, of course!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • George, do hope you get a satisfactory result re the cardiac problem.

    I'm sure once they get a satisfactory regime going Amy will come through the difficulties and managing the diabetes will fall into place.

    Annette - these friends have always loved walking , I believe they are staying in a glam tent nr. the site but not sure.   They have recently visited the Kangaroo Sanctuary at Alice and from there fly up to Darwin before the drive to Broom. They always like to see a new part of Australia when they go over after visiting her son and family.

    Tomorrow sees DiL take part in a local Strictly Come Dancing on behalf of Northampton General Hospital - they do it for a leukemia charity.  She was asked to mentor one of the contestants this year

    so Dau and I will be going along to see how they do. Should be a fun evening.

    OG - glad you enjoyed your alternative day out seeing the different crafts.

    Have a good weekend all.