WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2015

Hallo all!  Pies, champagne, snacks on some folks menus and yes, OG, you will get addicted to BBC Rewind.

  • Good Morning. Gosh, the last day of May already! How this usually long month has flown. Thanks to Annette for starting us off again. A dark & wet start to the day here - better weather with warm and dry promised for UK from Wednesday.
  • Dreich so far but the rain has stopped and could be some brightness later.

    Annette – thanks for the new week!

    Linda – pleased you enjoyed the party. Canapés which get topped up sound good to me, but you can keep the Champagne – I can’t stand fizzy drinks! I hope Bonnie will continue to do well on veg and beef! Strange you have found May seemed short this year; people I have spoken with have been remarking that it has seemed to go on forever and we can’t remember it being April! Maybe it’s because you had a certain youngster to keep you busy.

    Tina – good that you are getting to know your neighbour, and share pies with him, even if he doesn’t like birds!

    No big plans for today – will keep busy indoors and then go to church in the evening; J will be playing then, but not at morning service, so he has taken the morning off to relax (and hopefully do his ironing!).


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - you could be right, we've been so busy that time has flown. I adore champagne, but its main effect, drinking it in the middle of the day, was that I went to sleep for half an hour in my chair, later, when my OH & pup went off to the allotment. Don't know how much I had, as someone came around constantly topping us up! The canapes were both hot & cold, and were delish - I was told in confidence that they were all bought in M&S!! Then we had a slice of celebratory cake, a lovely Victoria sponge with jam & icing which included iced red roses - beautiful!
  • We have not cleaned the floors as my Friend's OH is popping around soon with their pup - they have to visit family where a pup could be awkward, so have offered to have their Min. Schnauzer for the day, to play and hopefully exhaust ours!
  • ANNETTE thanks for starting the week

    LINDY   have been meaning to say that Dillon had digestive probs as a pup and couldn't tolerate dog food with chicken in. We pit him on a diet of salmon and potato and that worked.  Many years later he had probs again, so off to the vet and paid for very expensive tins, tummy fine but when we put him back onto our food the prob returned. This went on for sometime and eventually we sussed that the food he now needed was chicken orientated.

  • Thanks dibnlib - pups do have difficult digestion sometimes, I think. Fingers crossed that we have it sorted, for now.

  • Good morning

    OG: the Canadian neighbour is the lovely one, its the neighbour on the other side of us that doesn't like the birds, although he's a nice enough guy when you see him, he just doesn't like animals/birds etc.

    I have to say, the apple pie was amazing! I am not too keen on pastry as a rule.  He now plans to bake a pumpkin pie next time as I have never tried it, pleased I had made the effort last night to make our favourite fish pie, its time consuming with the preparation, but worth it.

    Its a miserable day here today, rain and windy, my OH is taking part in a 26 mile bike ride for charity supporting a young man with down syndrome who he supports 2 days a week, working at WoodGreen animal shelter, so its through them they are taking part. OH didn't look too impressed when he saw the weather.

    So I am catching up, visit to the library to return books, may even bake a cake as its Sunday and I am sure OH will be in need of calories afterwards :-)

    I just hope the day brightens up.

  • Linda – so “they weren’t just canapés – they were M&S canapés”! We had some lovely ones at a museum event, and they had come from a food wholesaler in Carlisle; I asked, because they were so good. I hope the two pups have a lovely day together!

    Dibnlib – I must learn to open my eyes before I read – I saw that as chicken oriental, and imagined feeding a dog on sweet’n’sour chicken!

    Tina – sorry I assumed the wrong neighbour! I loved pumpkin pie when many years ago we had an American family living next-but-one (USAF in Suffolk). I hope your OH will manage to enjoy the ride, despite the weather. Granddaughter took part in a 5k run last week as part of her recovery to fitness after glandular fever; the weather was too hot – amazing how different it is today (but she did well and was pleased with her time). How lucky you are to have the library open on Sunday: here the hours have been cut, even during the working week.


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • The rain was very heavy overnight and this morning, when we went to church, but it is much lighter now, with a gusty wind. Oh is supposed to be playing in a bowls match this afternoon and it is my turn, with another lady, to prepare the half time tea ( sandwiches and cake ). If the match is postponed, it is usually cancelled around 12pm, so as to stop the away team travelling. We haven't heard anything yet !!    EDIT. The match has just been cancelled :-)))

    Annette, Thank you for starting our week.

    Tina, How lovely to invite your neighbour to join you for dinner.  Best wishes to your OH for his charity bike ride. Not the best weather for him, but I am sure he will do well.

    Linda, Hope you have a successful day, coping with both puppies. Glad to see that you think that you have solved Bonnie's digestive problems.

    OG, Well done to your granddaughter for taking part in the 5k run. Good to see that she now feels capable of taking part, after her bout of glandular fever.  

  • BRENDA - what happens to the food when the match is cancelled; do you all eat it up at Monday's practice?

    Sunny here now, but still breezy.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!