DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten Nest ~ Thursday, 21 May 2015

It is a strange feeling to be starting a new thread with very little idea of what may or may not be happening later.

The big news of Wednesday was that EJ finally gave up on incubating the egg. I suppose the first point of interest will be how long the egg survives before it is predated. 

We have been here before. In  2002, 2003, 2005 and 2007 the Loch Garten nest did not produce any chicks. People might like to look over the summary of   2003     2005   and   2007    seasons. 

  • Vivienne there is no concern over Odins health. As mentioned in Jen's blog Odin is fishing and eating most for himself he is just not sharing with EJ. At brooding time Ospreys tend to fish morning and evening. When there are chicks they will up the supply.

  • Well,VIVIENNE - in my book , two isn't a fammily.  Last year he was stirling in his efforts to support four and himself in sometimes awaful weather . Yes, I do think he is still getting over what happened. I remember the fishing line episode only too well and with three chicks in the nest he took three or four days to 'come out ot it' after his return to the nest. So, we are in a much better position here.  In front of our eyes we can see these birds have emotions and so can get traumaised. Like us dealing with a crisis and afterward going to pieces I suspect, Odin has dealt with his crisis and has now 'fallen apart;. OK I relent of my wanting to slap his beak :)  He's on his way up, bless him.

  • He has no family to provide for and EJ is more than capable of fishing. Given that loads of youngsters read this we should probably in fairness stick to facts and not cause hares running but keeping raising Odins health as an issue. An abnormal number of intruders are the issue at the nest this year not the number of fish caught.

  • Yes,I agree, Cirrus,( I watch all your posts avidly!!) two isn't really a family but I was thinking of how it would be if the eggs had survived, sorry for not making myself clear!!  Gosh wasnt the fishing line incident awful?? Did you watch our poor darling Deshar take a wrong turn in the Atlantic area too?  Does anyone know what happened to Nethy( even though she bullied the wee one so ) .  Its amazing as you say that we can feel so close to birds and the emotions comment is spot on!!!  Is there any way of knowing how old Odin is as they say he's not very " bulky"?  Do you know if its "normal" for the male to feed the female even when there are no eggs?  Sorry but I really want to learn all I can!!

  • Bye everyone. Off to work now

  • Beautifully put Cirrus. The birds have emotions and feelings, and It shows, even to we humans. Life will settle down, I am sure.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Vivienne:

    The female expects to be fed before she will allow a male to mate. If he isn't a good provider it wouldn't be worth having chicks with him.  While she is incubating or brooding young chicks she is dependent on the male to fish for her.

    It looks as if Odin has got out of breeding mode while EJ is still in it.

    Hilary J

  • EJ is quiet and having a little preen (between the buffering) It is still windy.

  • HilaryJ said:
    The female expects to be fed before she will allow a male to mate.

    Not always Hilary. We have seen many exceptions to this rule.

  • I don't think EJ got a fish yet from Blue XD despite mating and  laying eggs. Perhaps someone can correct.