Daily Update ~ Loch Garten Nest ~ Monday, 18 May 2015

I understand that it was a quiet day on the nest on Sunday. Odin continued to pester EJ for sex while she continued to sit on the single egg which almost certainly will not hatch. 

There only five more egg laying days in the 2015 season. It looks as if there are not going to be any chicks at Loch Garten in 2015.

  • pam j said:
    There must be a good reason for him not to be fishing as he's always been a good provider in the past.
    I've suggested this once or twice already, but I've thought that, right from his arrival, Odin wasn't on top form - don't know what other people think of this. He did a lot of mating, but didn't seem to be bringing as many fish to EJ as he has customarily done at the beginning of the season. If he does have some residual health or fitness problem, this could explain his exhaustion before his disappearance, after dealing with the intruder onslaught, and also, possibly, his apparently few fishing trips now - EJ has been fish calling, presumably to him, for most of the day, so if he is within her sight, he is not fishing, either for himself or for her.
  • CRinger said:
    I agree Keith. Time passes and memories fade, especially dates, but I know Tiger will have the info to hand......... Was it 2002 or perhaps 2003

    Do you mean two eggs in 2 hours?

    In case that is what you mean it  was 2007.  See   Henry the eight I am

  • So, I am not the only one who keeps losing the reply box. I thought it was just me being a new poster and not being used to the system. Obviously not. I wonder what is going on? It hadn't occurred to me that our Ospreys might be stressed. I could see that the behaviour was far from normal. We can speculate, but we will just have to watch it all play out. Stressful for us too.

  • I wasn't talking about you either CRinger. Maybe I should delete that post.

    It was not a poster on HERE.

    I already believe that EJ will not allow herself to starve, but I do worry that she is stressed and may I add, that I do worry about Odin also. He must be confused as to the remaining egg. He, also has had a turbulent time, defending his nest.

  • All Loch Garten years back to 2003  are available on  imagicat

    and  other nests

  • SheilaFE said:

    CRinger:  It is well before my time (2008!), but it looks as though it was Olive in 2003.

    Hmmm. This year it says that Olive left without laying, so think it must have been 2002. I seem to recall it was on 17th April (my ex-wife's birthday!) when she deserted as I have vague recollections of her birthday and the snow covering the eggs. There again, I may be wrong!

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Unknown said:

    I was not talking about you KEITH. I have already privately spoken to the person I was talking about. I should have said on another forum, not on HERE. I would have replied to you directly had I disagreed with you.

    Many thanks BRENDA H for this clarification. Just wanted to make sure that I had not been mis-quoted.

    I am not too concerned over EJ or this nest as I am well aware nests from time to time becime unstable for many reasons and we know the reason here.

    However I am a little mytified at the abnormal behaviour both in EJ and Odin and again I confirm in my postings that EJ has had a very stressful event which may influence her behaviour and that is why I discussed this with Vennessa who is far more expertise in Osprey Behaviour than myself despite watching these birds live on a daily basis.

    I am not sure about Odin maybe his ability to catch fish is impaired at present and both have gone without food.

  • Hazel b said:

    I agree Keith. .Was it 2002 or perhaps 2003

    Do you mean two eggs in 2 hours?

    In case that is what you mean it  was 2007.  See   Henry the eight I am

    No, sorry didn't mean 2 eggs in 2 hours and 2007 was AFTER my time. My money is now on 2002. Going through CDs of photos to try and nail it down.


    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • EJ only arrived at Loch Garten on 16 June 2003

    So her first egg was the one broken by the intruder in 2004

    Then laid  3 more

  • Hi all :) Thanks for all the updates etc. Its a real shame that EJ hasn't had any fish today. I really hope Odin brings back a decent sized fish for EJ before nightfall.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.