Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 17 May 2015


Last week's Chat thread is HERE.

I thought Annette seemed tired from all of her pet-sitting and entertaining duties, so I've started this week's new thread. Hope that's okay, Annette and all.

I've been very busy on a freelance project. The contract allows another month to complete the work, but I want to finish it sooner. It's very demanding (thanks for asking about it, Brenda).

I've also been trying to keep up with my lawn mowing. I've managed to see a lot of wildlife this week.

I've seen R.T. Hawk and his mate. I assume they're hunting to feed young. R.T. flew low over the driveway lane and gave me a disapproving look and a bit of a screech because he doesn't like the lawn mower. :-)

For the first time in many years, I saw an Indigo Bunting on my patch. He was glorious and looked like a blue Easter egg. He was singing like a canary, so he must have a mate this year, too. Woo-hoo!

With great fear and trepidation, I mowed over the site of last year's yellow jacket nest (aggressive species of wasp). I was so grateful because I didn't see a single yellow jacket! Apparently, they are well and truly gone and have relocated to someone else's land. Yay! I was swarmed twice last year, and I don't think I could take any more of their venom!

On Thursday, I had an exciting incident. I was cutting some weeds along the house, and a stunning, shiny black head appeared. A black snake flicked his tongue at me, and then climbed up the exterior wall of the house (yes, they climb!!!). He disappeared behind a loose piece of siding. All four feet of him!

He was gorgeous! It's a good thing he was a gentle black snake and not a racer; he might have bitten me, because I was pretty close to him. I knew what he was, though, and I wasn't afraid. I hope he stays around, because he'll keep chipmunks, field mice, and other critters away from the house and the car. :-)

There used to be a big one on this patch a few years ago, about 5.5 feet long. This fella must be an offspring.

I also have an active pileated woodpecker nest this year, and they're all very loud.

I hope you all are enjoying the spring and looking forward to summer. I wish good travels and fun times to all who are on holidays.

I'll be around to post when I finish my work. Take care, all.

  • Gosh.  quiet on here today.

    Diane: Sorry about the sweary words; hope you'll be done with the project soon.

    Heather: So nice to be able to relax and be with family - wonder what that's like :-)).  Hope you're catching up on your sleep now. That cold did wipe me out and was just about feeling normal again when daughter's dog and guinea pig moved in and friend arrived for visit. Phew!  Planning to concentrate on small projects and yoga class for the next week or two, with selective social activities.

    Tina: So did you end up having the BBQ?  How nice of you to take care of your friend's boat. Can you use the dinghy or the actual boat too?

    Rita: Had no idea that there was a difference, albeit it a subtle one, between Christmas and Easter (and apparently Thanksgiving) cacti.  Did notice that those sarracenias looked a bit sinister.  :-)

    AQ: Oh dear, I can hear the noise that drawer and contents made when they hit the floor. If the twins would only sleep through the night I'm sure it would help; that kind of long term sleep disruption wreaks havoc. Soup and cake sound doable (assuming not together!)  :-)  Hmmm. Wonder what it would take Miss 3 to adjust to family day care....

    A neighbor came by this morning and took away a bunch of river rocks (smooth and rounded) for her garden (she's just ripped out her lawn). They were here when we moved in; apparently installed during the "dry river bed" phase of landscape design. They were in all the planted areas but hidden under leaves and mulch and I kept twisting my ankle on them.  Anyway, after the rocks left, I loaded boxes and bags full of stuff for Art from Scrap (resource center for local artists) and charity shops that have been languishing for months.  Next is a clean out of paint cans, brushes, etc., and a stash of wood, tools, etc, that are piled up in the garage. Then it's back to shredding ancient documents belonging to OH's parents, now lurking in the attic (the documents, not his parents). :-)

    Anyway, have a good Monday all.

  • Good Morning Everyone. As expected, raining here.

    AQ, Sorry to hear the twins are not sleeping through the night. I can fully understand why your daughter and her OH are so exhausted. It is easier to cope during the day, when you can get an unbroken night's sleep.

    Heather, Lovely to see you back and to hear you did enjoy your holiday. I hope all will be peaceful for you at home.

    Annette, You sound as busy as ever, clearing rocks, garage and attic.

    I guess OG and EE are on the road by now, for their holiday. Hope they have a good drive and enjoy themselves.  

  • Hello all

    Yes, RITA,miserable weather here and quite cold at times. I hope you got nice things at the garden centre :-)

    TINA - Did you have the BBQ?

    ANNETTE- Don't work too hard! Like you,I was quite wiped out by the cold virus and was still feeling lethargic when we got to Brittany. Even my brother noticed my lack of 'get up and go' so it must have been bad!!

    Batteries are recharged (mine, I mean!), steam cleaner has been out, washing machine busy and a mega shopping done. OH lost at the bowling this morning :-((

    Well he wasn't lost himself, he did return at lunchtime but with a long face because he got beat by a large margin.
  • These large margins are always good at bowls.

  • Thanks Diane for starting us off.

    Looks like you get quite a variety of wild life around you. Glad the wasps have vacated your patch.

    Annette - Chocolate tombola is similar to a raffle but tickets are sold and anyone with a designated winning number - ie ending in 0 or 5 are a winner.   We asked for donations of small/medium chocolate bars of any sort and had quite a response.  By the time I decided to pack up we still had some left so are going to donate them to our Girls/Boys Brigades for their tuck shop. It is very tempting to have a go and I had two winning 3 first time and 4 second time, can't be bad!!   Sounds as though you have been having a clear up of the garden day. Hopefully now you won't be tripping over those "rocks". lol.

    AQ - you are doing a fantastic service for your dau and I'm sure she appreciates all the help that she can get.

    HeatherB - glad you managed to have a few days with brother and his wife and that friends came to your rescue with the loan of cars. Hope you have recovered from the long wait at Gatwick.

    OH was suppose to go down to County Ground to commentate all day but we had a decidedly damp start.  However, it has cleared up and he has gone down for the afternoon so hopefully game will get under way and won't see him till about 7pm.   Off to gym as usual tomorrow then on to Women's Own meeting (group of ladies meeting at church, once a fortnight).

  • Good afternoon, what a difference in the weather today, poured down!

    Rita - we had a lovely afternoon at the boat thank you.

    Heather - we didn't get to have the BBQ in the end, too busy chatting to folk, we both ended up in the Pub at the Marina, met up with friends that just happened to be there, it was such a lovely day.

    I have been thinking about buying a steam cleaner, my daughter loves hers.

    Good to hear you enjoyed your holiday.

    Annette - yes we can use the boat when ever we wish to, our Friend is very kind, so hence why we take care of it when he's back home in Selsey.

    Its funny really, when I met my OH he had a boat, I never liked it and found the whole process of going up and down the river quite boring, I always joked that I could walk quicker :-)

    Anyway after we had both re fitted the boat out, he sold it! Now 5 years later, I am actually enjoying the boating life and can see the relaxing side of it that I couldn't see back then.

    He did say yesterday when we were looking the boats for sale at the Chandlery, its a boat or a conservatory?! the choice is mine.

    You sound busy busy cleaning.

    whilst cleaning the boat yesterday, a friend who owns the chandlery, took and peek and asked if I would interested in cleaning his boats now and again for him ready for sale, I know some would think I would be mad, but to see the finished result its quite satisfying, name my price?! hmmmm interesting.

    Anyway today back to normal, work, lovely patients, all female today and delightful.

    Right I must dash, I need to take my OH to the garage so that he  can collect his work van that has needed some repair.

    Bye for now.

  • LYNETTE- I have often wondered about chocolate tombola!! Now I know...

    TINA- I am always in a hurry :-) and when my son invited us to join them on a canal boat holiday, I wondered how it would be, pootling along at 4mph. It was a relevation, marvellously relaxing and so enjoyable that we repeated the experience two years later.

  • Hallo all:

    Tina: You have access to a boat now (without the insurance/maintenance cost) but no access to a conservatory?  Hmmm.

    Alan: Large margins are very versatile. I used to get beaten by them all the time at tennis - and don't even get me started on how well they did at Scrabble.

    Off to errands and then yoga - yippee!

  • Lynette, We have used that kind of draw at the bowls club, but it is not confined to chocolate as the prizes. Maybe I should suggest a chocolate raffle, and I wouldn't have to keep handing back the prizes I win. LOL

    Tina, I used to love sailing, but have only had one holiday on water and that was on the Norfolk Broads. ( you have made me remember !! it was 40 years ago !! ) My OH is not keen on boats, so no chance of repeating that.

    Heather, There must be something in the air today. My OH has not long returned from playing an evening bowls match. His team lost 23 -21 on the 18th end. I told him that your OH would sympathise.

    Annette, Good to see you planned a yoga session at last.

  • Annette - you are so right, when you add up what our friend pays out on top of the mooring fees, conservatory sounds a plan, perhaps I just get caught up with the moment.

    Heather - I am originally from Staffordshire, so I was brought up near the canals, never ever thought of pootling down them on a boat back then, but then my family were never interested in boating thinking back.

    My dad was and still is a very keen runner/walker, he would drag the 4 siblings off for long walks at the slightest opportunity, perhaps that's why we all love walking so much now, although I do tend to walk at a fast pace, which drives my OH mad, I like to get from A to B quickly.

    Brenda - we love the broads, although mainly for canoeing now. you OH sounds exactly like I was before I turned the corner :-)

    Lynette - I have heard folk mention a chocolate tombola, but never fully understood how it worked, I do now.

    Well I am off for an early night, I have been caught up with the drama at watching and worrying about EJ, so I'm feeling rather tired tonight.

    Good night all.