Daily Update ~ Loch Garten Nest ~ Saturday, 16 May 2015

I am probably not the best person to be starting this thread right now as I am not that familiar with what has been going on all day. However I know essential a task it is and how tiresome it can become if it falls to the same small group every night.

What I do know is that Odin seems to have his best day  since  Monday 4th May, the last full day he was in control of the nest. 

Well Odin seems to be back in control now and I guess most  will be very happy about that with the exception of Finrir.  

It will be interesting to see how things progress from here. 

Enjoy another day of viewing. 

  • scylla said:

    My "ode" to Odin got caught up in the debacle!  (Pace South Pacific.)

    You gotta kick that egg right outta that nest!

    You gotta kick that egg right outta that nest!

    You gotta kick that egg right outta that nest!

    And set our EJ freeeee !!!

    Love it Scylla, Love it!!! Maybe we should organise a communal sing-song, and hope that the sound reaches Odin at LG. (You never know, perhaps he is more musically literate than we have realised, and is serenading her with a bit of Gershwin....."EJ, you is ma woman now"...) Anyway, good morning all, thanks to Tiger for the intro, and as always, thanks for all reports, pics and vids, especially enjoyable to look at last night's heartwarming images of them together. Odin looks so GENTLE, doesn't he when he's bonding on EJ's back, and she looks so relaxed. Fingers tightly crossed for it to continue. BTW, Scylla, I was, of course, being totally ironic when I referred to HD quality viewing. As you say, anything that results in a half-way acceptable picture would be gratefully received!! As usual will be popping in and out today. EJ currently calling, somewhat insistently.
  • I too love your verse Scylla. It will be going round and round in my head this morning!!!! Thanks for that!!! In years gone by when EJ was brooding, did Odin do this "bonding" thing then? I only remember him bringing nice fish. Of course EJ would fly off with it and he would incubate, so things are unsettlingly different aren't they? Having said that, it is great to see him.

  • Oh. I don't know where that crossed fingers heading came from. I didn't insert it!! This is Rusty 2 by the way!!! Technology eh???

  • Good Morning Everyone. I have to admit to sleeping in this morning, so have been listening to EJ and catching up as I ate breakfast. Thank you, as always for all your earlier pics and comments.

  • A quick question guys n gals I spoke to a guy yesterday who said he photographed an osprey with a fish out of loch garden but I thought the Ospreys didn't fish in that loch. Was this likely or not?.

  • Morning OSM, Rusty, Brenda and Bryan. As far as I know, Ospreys do not fish in Loch Garten. That's what I've been led to believe.

  • Hello BRYAN W. Loch Garten is considered to be too peaty for fish to survive. If it was good for fishing the LG ospreys would obviously fish there instead of having to travel so far for their fish. It would also be very difficult for ospreys to see any kind of fish in the Loch.

  • Good morning all, I have been thinking!  

    A few days ago I asked if it was likely that an osprey would return to its birthplace to which I had a couple of responses.  Now my thoughts have moved on a step since some suggested that has happened.  Given you learned watchers have remarked upon the similarity of Odin and Fen with the prospect that it could be one of the 2010 brood returning I am beginning to wonder if Breagha returned to the nest site in a future year it would add credence to the prospect of this year's "intruder" simply returning home!

    OK I appreciate a bit of a wild guess,  don't be to harsh on me.

    Just wondering.  We know breeding ospreys return to the same nest site year after year.  Is there any record of an offspring returning to its birthplace to breed?