A Second Vote ??

I trust I am not out of line here, but, after several days of missing important things going on, on the nest,  .... especailly yesterday when Odiin came to tne nest , briefly sat on EJ's back and the wonderful greeting between them !  All I saw of that episode (with eyes glued to the  screen) was the back of a bird at the back of the nest. My eternal thanks to SCYLLA who subsequently (after a lot of hard work) posted of video of the etire episode. Mmmm, bit of a mish mash this post, sorry, hope you can make heads and tails of it. My point is:  should we now take another vote as to what we would prefer VLC wise. I  have now decided I would rather not have missing frames and a poorer picture. !!  At least we'd know what was  going on, wouldn't we? Or have I got the problem wrong?