"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."
Magnus Ullman
My Flickr account is here
Oldshoremore said: Well you saw how many days it lay on the side of the nest. I would say no. This is why Henry who was a world champion at kicking eggs, kicked them right out of the nest. See Henry kicks eggs (a somewhat confused video) Thanks, Tiger. I rather feared you'd say that. It's a pity that EJ doesn't seem to be of the same opinion. [/quote]I agree with Tiger. Although anything seems possible with these birds at times, I do think this egg is well past its sell by date. ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Well you saw how many days it lay on the side of the nest. I would say no. This is why Henry who was a world champion at kicking eggs, kicked them right out of the nest. See Henry kicks eggs (a somewhat confused video)
Well you saw how many days it lay on the side of the nest. I would say no.
This is why Henry who was a world champion at kicking eggs, kicked them right out of the nest. See Henry kicks eggs (a somewhat confused video)
[/quote]I agree with Tiger. Although anything seems possible with these birds at times, I do think this egg is well past its sell by date.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
OMS it is not that EJ believes the egg is still viable it is just that she is hardwired for certain activities at this time. The hardwiring dictates that there are eggs and she should brood them. We have watch many nests where the females sit for many days past hatching, also evidenced in bald eagles and delta nest is an example. EJ is also going through her moult which happens in an order after eggs are laid. There is an egg so she will incubate it and after 18 years bit hard to reprogramme her to do otherwise. Sadly we need to the egg to be kicked out.
With everything this egg has gone through I'm amazed it still looks like an egg!
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Good morning all. Although I haven't been around much, I could have sworn that when EJ picked up this egg and put it back, it was a broken shell as she picked it up with her beak on either side of the shell. Or was that another one? It was just after Odin first reappeared and I remember thinking at the time "she's done that so he doesn't think anything is amiss". Maybe I just dreamed it :) or it could be that the broken shell was replaced by the egg that was sitting on the edge of the nest.
"or it could be that the broken shell was replaced by the egg that was sitting on the edge of the nest."
That seems to be the general view Sheryl
Birdies LG DU update.
I said "we" in my previous post. Obviously that should be a "she" as we have no say in this. But if Odin is back and if there is any chance (very very remote I know) for a second clutch ej is very unlikely to mate while her brain and hormones are in brooding mode.
Mike B said: "or it could be that the broken shell was replaced by the egg that was sitting on the edge of the nest." That seems to be the general view Sheryl
Thanks Mike :)
Sheryl W said: Good morning all. Although I haven't been around much, I could have sworn that when EJ picked up this egg and put it back, it was a broken shell as she picked it up with her beak on either side of the shell. Or was that another one? It was just after Odin first reappeared and I remember thinking at the time "she's done that so he doesn't think anything is amiss". Maybe I just dreamed it :) or it could be that the broken shell was replaced by the egg that was sitting on the edge of the nest.
Sheryl W said:Maybe I just dreamed it :) or it could be that the broken shell was replaced by the egg that was sitting on the edge of the nest.
Yes Sheryl. The shell disintegrated. EJ rolled this egg from the side of the nest, back into the cup on Monday, after the wind moved the sticks around.
BNN went to LG on Wednesday and wrote an excellent report (Page 3 of yesterday's DU) She said on the big clear screen at the VC, the egg seemed to roll.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
All quiet on the nest.