WEEKLY CHAT (non osprey) SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2015

Hallo all!  Thanks for cute photos of various critters. Lots of work in the garden on this side of the pond; don't understand how a simple job can turn into a three-hour pain in the derriere! :-)

Lindybird: Will be interesting to see how things develop following the UK election. Is that Bonnie's "official" old shoe? :-)  Good idea to stash her toys in it.

Margo: Not happy to read that you've had a rough time with one more dose to go. Grrrr. Wish I could wish it away!

LizLFW: Not happy news from LG; what a development. Makes me somewhat relieved that I haven't been watching the nest as closely as in the past. :-(

Brenda: How are those next-door plans evolving? Re the osprey, that's the first time I've seen one at that location- a real thrill. Re the brainless thugs; makes me wonder what it would take to make them appreciate the sacrifices made on their (ungrateful) behalfs (behalves??)

dibnlib: I've been missing the gym again, what with dogs to walk, etc., etc., My whole fitness schedule seems to have gone out the window.....  :-((

Diane: So glad you're busy with freelance project.

AQ: Have you done the laundry yet? How was the trip?

Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Brenda yes he finds it very frustrating...

    Lets hope our new hoard of MPs bat our court...

    Sadly not holding my breath...

    Vets today all skin related as its pollen time of year...

  • TINA  So sorry yesterday was bad for your OH.  It is a story you hear time and time again (Grandparents not able to see Grandchildren) I would think it is felt by both sides. I cannot imagine my childhood without my loving Grandparents. We were actually closer to my distant family (it was an 8 hour journey) when I was young. This was probably because my Dads father was blind and so needed looking after himself.

  • Quick look in; way behind house-cleaning schedule; OH off to do some grocery stuff....

    Tina: I'm stressed out; please send cake!  :-)

    Hallo everyone else; will catch up - this evening??

  • Not even ten o'clock here in Brittany and I am in my bed! Must be the change of air.

    We have had a quiet day today, yesterday went to a manmade lake/reservoir, largest in France, I believe. However,it has been drained temporarily and it was quite poignant to see the houses which were abandoned when the lake was made.

    My OH has been helping in the garden today so felt quite at home. They have a large garden by our standards, one and a half acres cultivated. A lot of work for them and they struggle to keep up to date, I think. I admire them for taking it on but wonder how they will manage as time goes on.

    Thanks everyone, for your news. LINDY,Bonnie must be hard work at the moment. My OH says that his spaniel,as a puppy, used to strip the clothes off their little boy who thought it was a huge joke!

    Goodnight all x

  • Annette: I would love to send you a cake :-)

    OH is groaning he is still ploughing through the cake I made on Sunday, bless him.

    Brenda & Dibnib: Its been very hard, I struggle at what to say to him, the Ex partner has now cut all ties with everyone on my OH side of the family.

    The lead up to the funeral was something out of Jeremy Kyle, (not that I watch it I hasn't to add) she was shocking.

    Dibnib: You obviously had a lovely relationship with your grandparents, I barely new mine as they passed away quite young.

    I am at the moment having to endure the football :(

    so sat with Ipad reading the world news on the story that the Rhino poaching is at an 18% increase, Why! to supply the Asian medicine markets, it makes my blood boil.

    Last year 1,215 Rhinos were slaughtered in South Africa, this year already looks certain to beat that record, it brings tears to my eyes.

    Also a story on Sudan the last white northern male Rhino who now has armed guards at the grand age of 42,if he doesn't mate soon there will be no more of his kind, this saddens me enormously.

    Plus another major earthquake in Nepal, I just can't imagine what they are going through, devastating! we don't know how luck we really are.

    Sorry for the doom and gloom, think I better watch the football, or BAKE :-))

  • Sorry for the spelling, meant 'hasten' to add re Jeremy Kyle.

  • Tina. Cheer up. You can always bake some cake for me LOL

    Did you realise you can edit your post,  after you post. Just click Edit and your post will appear in RF. Make any changes and click reply. Your original post will then still be there , but corrected.
    Take care of yourself and your OH.

  • Heather, good to hear you are enjoying yourself.

    I will be interested to read what Linda will reply when she reads your OH's tales of his spaniel puppy. LOL

  • Brenda - Great that your broadband is sorted, and improved :-)
  • Tina - I was sorry to hear about your OHs problem with his grandchildren. Its very sad, and not uncommon, I know. Children themselves can benefit so much from a grandparents input, which their mother should bear in mind. Not much you can do or say, though, only be supportive and kind. Personally, when stressed, I bake AND eat it - not good for the figure!! This week I made a large chocolate cake and have eaten most of it myself! My OH has been strong willed and only had one small slice. EDIT - its all gone, now LOL!