Hallo all! Thanks for cute photos of various critters. Lots of work in the garden on this side of the pond; don't understand how a simple job can turn into a three-hour pain in the derriere! :-)
Lindybird: Will be interesting to see how things develop following the UK election. Is that Bonnie's "official" old shoe? :-) Good idea to stash her toys in it.
Margo: Not happy to read that you've had a rough time with one more dose to go. Grrrr. Wish I could wish it away!
LizLFW: Not happy news from LG; what a development. Makes me somewhat relieved that I haven't been watching the nest as closely as in the past. :-(
Brenda: How are those next-door plans evolving? Re the osprey, that's the first time I've seen one at that location- a real thrill. Re the brainless thugs; makes me wonder what it would take to make them appreciate the sacrifices made on their (ungrateful) behalfs (behalves??)
dibnlib: I've been missing the gym again, what with dogs to walk, etc., etc., My whole fitness schedule seems to have gone out the window..... :-((
Diane: So glad you're busy with freelance project.
AQ: Have you done the laundry yet? How was the trip?
Have a good Sunday everyone.
Lindy: I have just recently started to take Iron tablets again, prior to that I was very hit and miss. I eat a veggie diet, although I thought it was very varied with iron rich food, obviously not. Nearly 50 donations is wonderful! he should be very proud of himself giving another person the gift of life.
I'm pleased to hear that he's fine now after his cancer treatment.
Thanks Tina! I'll tell him....it might cheer him up. By the way, its also true that as you get older, your body is unable to retain as many nutrients from your food, making it even more important that you eat a varied diet - whether veggie or no. I also take Omega3 oil which has several benefits. Don't know how much it helps, but as I get older, I need all the help I can get LOL!!
Lindy safe journey tomWales and enjoy. Bonnie will enjoy all the running around on the beach, hope it is less windy.
Lindybird said:We are up early anyway, to pack up and go away for a few days. But we awoke at 5.00am to hear Bonnie crying - she had had a stomach upset and there was a terrible mess downstairs. My OH has been bravely clearing up, and is now taking her out for a walk.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Good Afternoon. Dry and cloudy this morning. Yesterday's rain really was torrential at times.
Probably missed you, Linda, but hope you have a good journey and enjoy yourselves. I also hope Bonnie has recovered.
OG Enjoy your few days away.
LINDY Enjoy Wales and hope Bonnie ia ok.
Sunday problems resolved. manager went through my letter and gave me reasons for my various gripes. He has already changed 2 Sundays for weekdays in June. He said that I certainly will not be doing more than 1 or 2 a month after that. He has also okayed my 10 days hols in Sept and changed a Wed for me as OH is working a full day and we don't like to leave Benson all day unless there is no choice. He also said he won't be asking me to work full days any more as I said I did find them tiring. The cooler months aren't too bad but when temps rise I find the shop exhausting. We have 7 large windows and the sun streams in. We also have a ridiculous ammount of overhead lighting which just makes matters worse. The cooling fans we have make little difference. A customer yesterday found it too hot and this was a morning in May!!!! Anyway things are looking up and he is back to being a good guy again.
OH picked me up from work and we went to Riva for a bite to eat before heading to Eden Court to see "Yamoto Japanese Drummers" They were very good indeed and received a well deserved standing ovation.
I've probably missed you, but have a great holiday, Lindy.