WEEKLY CHAT (non osprey) SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2015

Hallo all!  Thanks for cute photos of various critters. Lots of work in the garden on this side of the pond; don't understand how a simple job can turn into a three-hour pain in the derriere! :-)

Lindybird: Will be interesting to see how things develop following the UK election. Is that Bonnie's "official" old shoe? :-)  Good idea to stash her toys in it.

Margo: Not happy to read that you've had a rough time with one more dose to go. Grrrr. Wish I could wish it away!

LizLFW: Not happy news from LG; what a development. Makes me somewhat relieved that I haven't been watching the nest as closely as in the past. :-(

Brenda: How are those next-door plans evolving? Re the osprey, that's the first time I've seen one at that location- a real thrill. Re the brainless thugs; makes me wonder what it would take to make them appreciate the sacrifices made on their (ungrateful) behalfs (behalves??)

dibnlib: I've been missing the gym again, what with dogs to walk, etc., etc., My whole fitness schedule seems to have gone out the window.....  :-((

Diane: So glad you're busy with freelance project.

AQ: Have you done the laundry yet? How was the trip?

Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • I've been out all morning, and now am catching up on LG news - still rather chaotic!! And I also find, to cheer us all up, these lovely spring time pics from Rita - thanks, Rita!! they're so fresh looking and colourful.
  • Brenda - hope you can get your broadband sorted. We're on cable, and they keep telling me regularly that they're "updating" their systems, whatever that means, I've no idea what speed we have now but it seems ok.
  • thanks OG We ended up having breakfast at Brodie. I had warm croissant with scram which was very nice and OH had pork sausages in a roll ( there were 3 big sausages) which he said was delish.

    OH had ordered a Dubarry jacket in L. He ended up taking the XL which was there the other day. Now anyone who knows my OH. OG does. Would not think he was a XL but obviously Dubarry do. Wonder if they make the same jacket for someone who is 6ft 4ins and a 46 chest!!!! and how many xxxxs are before the L

    Enjoy your "pies and peas"

  • RITA  lovely colourful pics, many thanks

  • Glad you enjoyed your yummy sounding breakfast, dibnlib. The way some clothing companies arrive at sizing mystifies me! I'm three different sizes according to where I'm shopping - that can't be right!
  • Would anyone like a teenage puppy, brown & white, eats a lot and looks very cute, but in spite of her being only a few weeks old compared to our rather advanced years, she seems to be winning the battle today......When I was in charge, I had to put her into her crate to stop the never ending destruction. When my OH was in charge, he said he would take her for a long walk to tire her out, and she returned with more energy than ever......
  • Only another couple of years and she might improve, Linda!  We did warn you!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • A puppy: for better or worse, for richer or poorer, etc etc...... in cuddlesome mode or in bad behaviour!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good evening,

    Annette - Yes I bake when stressed, which drives my OH barmy because he ends up eating everything, I prefer not to, I would be the size of a whale I'm sure.

    Lindy - I remember the first puppy year very well.

    Rita lovely photos of your garden flowers, very colourful.

    Lynette - lovely wedding photos.

    It was a bad day yesterday for my OH, it was a year since his son passed away, very difficult time.

    Its made worse now his then Ex partner has taken it upon herself to detach herself from the family, so no one is allowed to see the 2 boys, 8 and 4 year old, Its been 6 Months now since my OH has seen his grandsons.

    I am off to prepare the dinner, plus try and catch up with the goings on at LG.

  • Everything fine with our broadband, much faster both with up and downloads. New hub and fitting to first telephone connection to house. The engineer even tried one of our computers and smart TV.

    Sorry, Wendy, I should have remembered your internet problems, where you live. Your OH must have problems, working from home.

    Rita, What lovely colourful garden photographs. We have spent time today, potting various big bushes, We don't think they will survive but we will give it a try. They all came out of the ground with good root balls.

    Linda, You do sound rather harassed. Keep going. She will be a lovely dog.

    Tina, So sorry that you are still both prevented from seeing your OH's grandchildren. Very sad for you both.