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DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Saturday, 09 May 2015

Yesterday afternoon (according to those on the scene - it was among a lot of detail that we missed due to severe cam problems), the orange-chested male intruder "OC" dropped a fish onto the nest, and after a starving EJ took it away to eat it the carnage began.


In brief!


Anyone looking?



The orange-eyed destroyer.  (I have to say, unfairly I know, that he has none of the "gorgeousness" of Odin the Magnificent.)

EJ returned with the tail-end of the fish, which she continued to eat despite the scene that greeted her:


EJ cleared the ground and proceeded to incubate the one egg that appears to be left intact:




The threat to the surviving egg is great:


OC won't have it easy, he may not even prevail in the longer term - the other intruders are still on the case:


To cap it all after a long and harrowing day, it seemed that EJ was disturbed, probably by the pine marten, just before midnight:

  • Still, at least she has eaten today - a definite plus point. I'm off for the night now - let's hope that tomorrow brings, if not exactly positive news, evidence that EJ is continuing to eat, and, hopefully, will return to full vigour.

  • I'm sure we all share that hope.

  • There really is no need to worry about EJ. She will be fine.

    I am not sure if any of you have kept chickens. Well sometimes they would go into a brooding state even if they had no eggs to brood. Now the owners did not like this because in this state they did not not lay eggs which after all is the main purpose of keeping chickens.

    Now I am not sure ospreys go into a similar state but if they do it will take days before EJ returns to her non brooding self. 

  • Before I go for the evening, I would just like to say, that I would never be rude or hurt anyone's feelings intentionally here or at LG.

    I think that the VC are doing a fantastic job, made all the harder this week by Odin going missing and loosing the eggs. I understand that they have been pushed to the limit with the lack of volunteers. I only wish that I could volunteer  but poor health denies me the chance. My only gripe was that the blogs were not always accurate, but when pointed out on FB, corrected quickly in the most part. I would never insult them by posting anything negative on the blog.

    I have been to LG many times in the past as a visitor, and have always found them to be very helpful, polite and well informed. Yes I am a fully paid up member and have been for years, and I also raised funds for LG VC.

    So I'm sorry if offended anyone, it was not my intention.

  • Hazel b said:
    In 2005 EJ disappeared for 9 days

    I was thinking the same since yesterday Tiger.  But I doubt that she will disappear this time for two reasons a) No long term partner to rely on b) It will leave her nest defenceless from another female.

    Marina Kyriacou 

  • Moffer. You have nothing to apologise for. Your sincerity was and is never in question. As I said any comments are meant to be helpful and to ensure total accuracy. Support for the staff and volunteers is absolute from all on here in my experience.

  • moffer said:
    So I'm sorry if offended anyone, it was not my intention.

    You haven't put anything offensive at all.  We are all osprey lovers on here and we try to look after each other.  It is very difficult to find the right things to say about the recent events.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • stewart a said:
    I was thinking the same since yesterday Tiger.  But I doubt that she will disappear this time for two reasons a) No long term partner to rely on b) It will leave her nest defenceless from another female.

    Well in 2005 it was defenceless. When Henry and her got back they found a new pair had taken over the nest and had to be evicted. 

  • stewart a said:

    In 2005 EJ disappeared for 9 days

    I was thinking the same since yesterday Tiger.  But I doubt that she will disappear this time for two reasons a) No long term partner to rely on b) It will leave her nest defenceless from another female.

    [/quote]Yes, I will go along with that stingray. There has been another female around. Plus EJ has had many more years at LG since then.

  • This is an observation thread about the Loch Garten nest.

    However I will say that I have huge admiration for the people who every night start the new threads, make almost continuous observations, make endless captures, record videos and do so many other things.

    Unseen are hundreds of  observers who may read this thread but never comment. 

    It really is an invaluable resource and I for one have a lot of trust in the observations made here. 

    Some people come directly from the Loch Garten VC and become valued members themselves. 

    It is a pity we do not have a numerical count of how many posts are made by each user. In the early days we did.

    Anyway it is going to be a lot easier to record happening for the rest of the season.