Hallo all
Check out last week's thread for holiday shots from Lindybird and funnies from dibnlib.
That was a large baby (by today's standards). Anyone remember how much George weighed? I see Alice and Charlotte are the top name choices - both are pretty. I'm waiting for the call asking my opinion! :-)
Lindybird: That's a lovely beach.
dibnlib: Good for you standing up for yourself re your work hours. Hope it brings a positive change - regardless. Love the rear of that wine truck. :-)
Heather: A shame about your dinner. Hope the guest of honor enjoyed his.
Guy came this morning and tree and plants are now nicely tucked up in the soil. He told me his crew is available for half-day jobs (trimming, etc.), which I'll certainly keep in mind. Off to daughter's to pick up the guinea pig tomorrow morning; then home for appointment with possible house painter.
Have a good Sunday everyone.
Hey, right now on Safe House two people are meeting in the cafe at Esthwaite where the ospreys are!
The program is based at Coniston, so not far away.
Evening all: Busy here with dog (King) and Peanut. Former requires time for walks morning and evening and Peanut greets me every time I walk in the room by standing on the roof of one of his little toys and squeaking loudly for lettuce - well, at least I think that's what he wants.
Brenda: Another painter today and one more tomorrow morning. If they all come through with quotes, we'll probably pick one of them.
Lindybird: I note that "Diana" is tactfully placed after "Elizabeth!" Do like Charlotte though. Oh my, do hope your house and contents survive puppyhood.
dibnlib: Nothing surprises me when you start up chatting with strangers - the old 6 degrees of separation thing! Lovely shots. Not sure about all those flavors in the sorbet. Sometimes it seems like chefs these days are really stretching to do something innovative. I think I'll just stick with the basic flavors.
ChrisyB: Nice to see you.
All critters tucked up for the night. Phew. Daughter down here tomorrow and will spend the night prior to crack-of-dawn departure for Arizona Wednesday.
Have a good Tuesday everyone.
Morning, all. It seemed inevitable that William would include his mother's name among his daughter's - and who could blame him? I think the name is all right, especially as they have dropped to two middle names instead of a ludicrous three.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Charlotte is one of those names which never goes out of fashion. You do get some names which are really popular for a while but sound really dated a generation later.
Linda was still fairly popular when I was at school, mid-Seventies to mid-Eighties. It's a nice name, though it's very much associated with that time and earlier. I'm very pleased we named our daughter Helen as it's not typical of this generation.
Do remember arriving home one day to find a bar of soap on the bathroom floor with bite marks in it. Funnily enough Fingal never tried it again!!!!
Good Morning Everyone, A very wet night and morning here. The wind is getting stronger.
Linda, It must be like having a toddler in the house, when you have to remove everything out of reach. Sounds as if you are making progress with Bonnie's training though.
Dibnlib, I wouldn't have chosen either of your sorbet choices. I am probably so boring. I just prefer a traditional sorbet.
Taking OH to Drs. shortly for the results of his finger X-ray.