WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY MAY 3, 2015

Hallo all

Check out last week's thread for holiday shots from Lindybird and funnies from dibnlib.

That was a large baby (by today's standards). Anyone remember how much George weighed? I see Alice and Charlotte are the top name choices - both are pretty. I'm waiting for the call asking my opinion! :-)

Lindybird: That's a lovely beach.

dibnlib: Good for you standing up for yourself re your work hours. Hope it brings a positive change - regardless. Love the rear of that wine truck. :-)

Heather: A shame about your dinner. Hope the guest of honor enjoyed his.

Guy came this morning and tree and plants are now nicely tucked up in the soil. He told me his crew is available for half-day jobs (trimming, etc.), which I'll certainly keep in mind.  Off to daughter's to pick up the guinea pig tomorrow morning; then home for appointment with possible house painter.

Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Brenda - sorry you're not much further along with the diagnosis. I suppose it must be difficult to tell what's going on. Hope it will go right on its own, as we used to say. My OH is notorious for not wanting a fuss: Bonnie bit him by accident a week ago, with her needle sharp teeth as he tried to take something from her mouth. I said that he should wash his hand & apply antiseptic but he's done neither - why it's not gone septic I don't know! Sigh........
  • Brenda what a shame that there has been nothing to show what is wrong with your OH's finger. As you say the splint may have done more harm than good. It is extremely windy at the moment. Billie has only been out for about 10 minutes a couple of times but she really doesn't like the wind blowing her fur around.

    Lindy sounds a bit like my dear OH, why are men so stubborn at times.

  • I can't exclude my OH from being stubborn when it comes to seeing the Dr. It took a couple of weeks of my 'nagging' to make him see the Dr. but he does complain when he has a cold though LOL   He did say his finger was paining after the Dr had fiddled with it, but he still went to play in a bowls match !!!

  • Did I fail to post yesterday? Must have been because it was lovely weather all day and we got a lot done outside. Not like that today, windy with some rain; having a bright spell right now – even got blue sky. Still been finding plenty to do, and OH is just arriving back from his haircut.

    Good to see some long posts and enjoyed news, photos etc. Sorry I can’t go back through them all now. Brenda – sorry OH is no nearer a diagnosis on his finger; I hope it goes as mysteriously as it came! Margo – thinking of you. Now coffee time.


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • ANNETTE  I do agree. There is nothing like a plain lemon or lime sorbet. The rasp with basil and pepper was actually very good. the pineapple with chilli and lime was (well if I had to eat it without knowing what it was I would have plumped for ginger beer and lime)

    WENDY/LMAC   Haven't had lunch at MC for ages, but used to love their scrambled egg with spinach, roasted tomato and muchroom with toasted foccacia. They don't do the foccacia anymore, but instead serve it with a muffin (yeuch) or toast. It is no longer the delicacy it used to be for me.

    OH working today but then off till Sat, so think we will head for Brodie tomorrow.

    Had to smile at the next found on facebook.  Benson is not allowed on downstairs furniture but does like a snooze on the bed, though we have to lift him up.

  • I see Kai (the dog left in Ayr station) is heading the Rehoming Scotland campaign. It is so obvious he couldn't wish for a better home than he now has. His nnew owner says he is the lucky one as kai has helped him recover from the death of his much loved Dalmation. A very big aaah!

  • Hello all

    Sorry, in a lurking phase but have enjoyed all the chat, doggy tales etc :-)

    I have had a job throwing off this cold, not like me at all. I resorted to buying multivitamins for the elderly, today! I don't think that they are needed if you have a good diet but hey ho, let us see what happens.

    Take care all, hope to make proper replies soon. Yes, MARGO, we go to Brittany on Friday.Thinking of you during this chemo week xx

  • HEATHER   These bugs seem to really take a hold. OH hasn't been fully fit for nearly 7 weeks and I hear the same thing time and time again.   Hope you are well enough to have a really good holiday. Take care.

    We were talking names earlier. When I was young I didn't like mine one bit, boring, boring Elizabeth. Now I am more than happy that I don't have one of those names that trend!

  • I had another Annette in my class - we were the only two in the school.

    Heather: My cold has ended up in my chest; energy levels back to normal, but still have spluttering fits.  Managed a yoga class yesterday.

    dibnlib: Do love "and then we noticed you had couches."  :-)

    Seemed to be buried under tiny tasks that don't "organize" into anything I can get my teeth into!  :-(

    Am reading all about dog antics, discussions of foods, restaurants, days out and football teams; thanks all for news.  

  • Me again!

    HEATHER and OTHERS - sorry these viruses/bogs are lasting so long.  HEATHER - get well soon, and I hope you enjoy your visit to your Brother in France.  Are you taking all the usual Highland delicacies?

    We shall also be packing tomorrow - OH and I are whizzing down to Manchester on Thursday for two nights, to go to the big Motability event there on Friday.  This will enable us to look at vehicle options all in one place instead of dragging around from dealer to dealer locally.  We may not change the car next spring after its three years; we could be allowed to keep it longer because we have an adaptation fitted (the hoist for the scooter) so we hope to find out more about that while we are there.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!