WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY MAY 3, 2015

Hallo all

Check out last week's thread for holiday shots from Lindybird and funnies from dibnlib.

That was a large baby (by today's standards). Anyone remember how much George weighed? I see Alice and Charlotte are the top name choices - both are pretty. I'm waiting for the call asking my opinion! :-)

Lindybird: That's a lovely beach.

dibnlib: Good for you standing up for yourself re your work hours. Hope it brings a positive change - regardless. Love the rear of that wine truck. :-)

Heather: A shame about your dinner. Hope the guest of honor enjoyed his.

Guy came this morning and tree and plants are now nicely tucked up in the soil. He told me his crew is available for half-day jobs (trimming, etc.), which I'll certainly keep in mind.  Off to daughter's to pick up the guinea pig tomorrow morning; then home for appointment with possible house painter.

Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Unknown said:
    I am probably so boring.

    No, you're not.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Fingers crossed for the finger X ray, Brenda! Hope it helps sort the problem. My OH showed my his little finger last night which was the one trapped in the ladder the other day - its red & swollen. "It could be broken" I said! "Hmmn" was the reply....... I know he's not going to do anything about it!
  • Sometimes I'll try new flavours when I'm in the right mood. Other times I'm fussy about my food!
  • Raining again here - looks like it rained in the night as big puddles in the road :-( Off out to process my last photos so that I can put them onto my PC.........
  • Good morning all and we had a very windy and wet night. Still windy this morning but just heavy showers and maybe some thunder forecast but I hope they they have got that wrong. A quiet weekend OH went to see his football team play on Sunday. Unfortunately they lost so not best pleased when he finally got home at just after 9.30pm. We had a meal at the carvery on Saturday which was very enjoyable and spent the evening watching some of the many programmes we have recorded. Very busy day in Bournemouth yesterday. Approximately 60,000 people poured into the town to watch Bournemouth FC ride along the front in an open top bus to celebrate their promotion to the Premier League and also winning the league. I am not a big fan of football but I am pleased for them as 6 years ago they were in dire financial trouble. It was the fans who got them up and running again with many donations being made.OH said it will bring them a lot of money but not sure how they will fare with the type of football they play. Stupidly we needed to get to our big shopping centre just outside Bournemouth, we eventually got there after taking various routes to avoid the traffic which was at a standstill.

    Lindy pleased to see your OH managed his golf day. Thanks for your holiday pics of last week and also the elephant with her baby, so very cute. Bonnie is certainly a bit of a handful at the moment. There cannot be many things classed as non-food that she hasn't attempted to eat or destroy.Noticed now you have put everything she may eat or destroy into another room. Pleased your camera survived the attack. Sorry but her antics do make me smile.

    Clare good to see Helen is doing well. So sorry your job hunt is proving to be so difficult. Hang in there I am sure something will turn up and it will be worth the wait.

    Brenda hope you get results OH's blood test today and it will shed some light on the problem. I guess you had a really wild night with heavy rain as well.

    Lmac thanks for the pics of the blackbird, the mischeivous Tapaidh and the stunning view from your window.

    dibnlib pleased you have managed to get out and about and that you are feeling a little better. Very atmospheric pics of LG. thanks also for posting the pic of the otter. Very impressed with your jigsaw, must have been quite difficult. I do hope you manage to resolve your working hours so they do not include every Sunday. That seems very unfair to me.

    Heather hope you are feeling a lot better now. What a shame that your starter of scallops was not very good. I am not a fan but OH loves them and says they have to be cooked perfectly. I think you are off to France soon so hope that you have a relaxing time.

    OG as always I am almost speechless with how much you fit in to one week. Glad you enjoyed some of the music I am a big fan of Country  and Western and spent a few hours with the iPod yesterday listening to all my favourites. You are correct chemo starts today and win run into Monday of next week. Not really looking forward to it as just as I feel relatively well the whole process starts again. At least I will have a 5 week break next time. Enjoyed all my food over the weekend finishing up with M&S trifle which is very yummy.

    Lynette a great end to the week, pa per day Friday and a wedding on Saturday, do enjoy both.

    Annette think Peanut must like staying with you, he sounds very cute and what a great King is for the dog. Hope you enjoy visit and that you get some reasonable quotes for the painting work.

    Off  to try and rouse Billie now, she had her breakfast quite early, had a look out of the windows and promptly went back to sleep Lol.

    Have a good day all and take care.

  • Great to hear from you, Margo!  Sorry you had such a time getting to the shopping centre but I do think Bournemouth earned that celebration.  Let's hope they manage to stay up.

    I'm still looking for work - I so hope something comes along soon.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Margo please assure OH that Bournemouth will do well.

    Their new manager is a rising star and has just received the manager of the decade award.

    The only reason I know all this as youngest daughter went to school in Verwood with him and his brother.

    Nasty cold damp day here which is typical as OH has taken a day off...grrrrr

  • Good to get a long post from you , Margo. Good to hear that you enjoyed your food over the weekend. Hope the chemo is not too bad this time. We've been to the vets to get Bonnie weighed and to collect her worming/flea treatment. She sat on the scales this time, when offered a treat, but when we got home and tried to administer the treatment it took two of us - one to hold her wriggling body and one to put the drops on her back. Its very good these days as it all comes in one dose for both fleas, worms and lungworm all of which can be nasty for a young dog. The girls in the Vets all adored her of course, and said how gorgeous she was but I said she is eating for England and chewing everything in sight.
  • Went to Boots to do my photos but all the machines were broken down except one which a woman was using - when she finished I took over and the machine refused to work! My bad luck. Will have to wait until tomorrow when I go to another town.
  • We went shopping for food after OH had seen the Dr. The X-ray and blood tests haven't shown any answers why his finger has swollen, and he is unable to bend the top of the finger. No arthritis, calcium, infection or breaks / strains etc. He has been told to not wear the splint, as it is probably stiffening the joints more, and to see how it goes !!! The finger has been in a splint for eight weeks.

    Annette, I can't recall seeing a photograph of King ? Sorry, if I am wrong.

    Margo, I guess, like us, you have found that the wind has got even stronger now. Thank goodness the heavy rain has stopped until tonight again. Pleased you enjoyed your meal at the carvery.  It is good to see a team like Bournemouth achieve so much, in successive seasons, especially when the supporters contributed so much money towards their survival as a football club. I will be thinking of you this afternoon X

    Linda, I hope your OH hasn't broken his finger. If you think he has, he should have an X-ray as the bones will start knitting together incorrectly. My OH's problem was that a Locum incorrectly diagnosed a 'mallet finger' and immediately put it in a splint. He then didn't see his GP until six weeks later, who disagreed and sent him to the hospital. It is possible that the splint has done more damage.
    Sods law, re the photo machine.