Hallo all
Check out last week's thread for holiday shots from Lindybird and funnies from dibnlib.
That was a large baby (by today's standards). Anyone remember how much George weighed? I see Alice and Charlotte are the top name choices - both are pretty. I'm waiting for the call asking my opinion! :-)
Lindybird: That's a lovely beach.
dibnlib: Good for you standing up for yourself re your work hours. Hope it brings a positive change - regardless. Love the rear of that wine truck. :-)
Heather: A shame about your dinner. Hope the guest of honor enjoyed his.
Guy came this morning and tree and plants are now nicely tucked up in the soil. He told me his crew is available for half-day jobs (trimming, etc.), which I'll certainly keep in mind. Off to daughter's to pick up the guinea pig tomorrow morning; then home for appointment with possible house painter.
Have a good Sunday everyone.
CLARE - multiple fingers crossed:-)
DIBNLIB- were Marcus and Liz not in the other River restaurant, the one in Greig St? We used to eat there years ago.
Dibnlib so understand the Sunday thing with management as have had a major issue with Debenhams. Spoke to a manager on Friday who agreed to a refund without receipt . She gave me 2 other contact names non of which were there today . After speaking to a youth who didn't understand the word please eventually got a result.
Wet day here Daisy grumpy as rain slips down her sticky up ears.
OH mucked out his office and installed second PC and screen to apparently make his life easier... OK beam me up Scottie !!!
HEATHER Sorry, OH told me I'd got it wrong, but i insisted. I was thinking of Riverhouse. I will go and eat humble pie now!!!!
Must watch "The C Word" in 20 mins. Think it will be harrowing but the acting is meant to be superb.
Will be saying no more on the work situation, just in case
DIBNLIB - It was just that Marcus was a big miss when they left:-( That must have been a lot of years ago now. Time flies...
Dibnlib.. Recording that as been there seen it done it didn't want the T shirt but will watch it on my own one day.
DibnLib fantastic jigsaw, I used to love doing them with my Granny when I was little - she taught me all the edges first and then the middle.
OG - weekend abode. Here is a picture I took on the dog walk yesterday morning of the same mountains but a much nicer day and my bridge for zooming in
My turn to say Grrrrrrr. I was just finishing a long post, when I wanted to check a post, so I stupidly scrolled back a page and of course, lost my post !!! I am too tired to start again, so will catch up tomorrow, hopefully :-))
Oh, heck, Brenda!