WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY MAY 3, 2015

Hallo all

Check out last week's thread for holiday shots from Lindybird and funnies from dibnlib.

That was a large baby (by today's standards). Anyone remember how much George weighed? I see Alice and Charlotte are the top name choices - both are pretty. I'm waiting for the call asking my opinion! :-)

Lindybird: That's a lovely beach.

dibnlib: Good for you standing up for yourself re your work hours. Hope it brings a positive change - regardless. Love the rear of that wine truck. :-)

Heather: A shame about your dinner. Hope the guest of honor enjoyed his.

Guy came this morning and tree and plants are now nicely tucked up in the soil. He told me his crew is available for half-day jobs (trimming, etc.), which I'll certainly keep in mind.  Off to daughter's to pick up the guinea pig tomorrow morning; then home for appointment with possible house painter.

Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • I feel sorry for Helen - GCSE's have been thoroughly discredited here due to a quarter of a century of grade inflation.  Whoever is responsible for that should be thrown off a cliff!  I'm so glad I'm old enough to have taken O levels, though ironically they have had to come off my CV as they age me.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Sorry for bad picture but on my tablet, here is Mrs Blackbird at the Window feeder and Tapaidh destroying my slippers wondering why we are not out walking

  • LMAC   love your pics, thank you.

    CLARE  It must be hard to keep your chin up, but hopefully you will end up in a dream job.   Hard to understand the education system now. One minute I seem to be reading that children are doing particularly badly in the "3 Rs", then they seem to be getting the most amazing results in their(as a friend said Mickey Mouse exams) -apologies to Helen. Then the majority are off to Uni. Bring back 0- levels and Highers.

    HEATHER Sorry to hear about your meal. OH is 60 on 1st July and said yesterday Souters Creek would be great, then he remembered we had mentioned Bunchrew. Do you think you could tell me (PM if you prefer) where you went so we don't make the same mistake.

    Off to church and "Bring and Share" in 20 mins. This of course is one of the reasons I don't want all those Sunday shifts. Others don't do them as they like to be out till the middle of the night on Sat and drink themselves silly.

  • dibnlib said:
    CLARE  It must be hard to keep your chin up, but hopefully you will end up in a dream job.   Hard to understand the education system now. One minute I seem to be reading that children are doing particularly badly in the "3 Rs", then they seem to be getting the most amazing results in their(as a friend said Mickey Mouse exams) -apologies to Helen. Then the majority are off to Uni. Bring back 0- levels and Highers.

    I'm sure I remember reading quite recently that some universities are having to give emergency classes to some of the new students whose written English is well below the expected standard.  How did they get any exam passes, let alone a university place?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Its very annoying that the system has been hijacked in recent years - when our sons went to Uni there were students there who had to have basic Maths training as they had not learned enough in all those years in school!!  Luckily Maths is my OH's forte and so he was able to help them through their school years with it.  And if you can't use good English to express yourself, how are you ever going to get on in work and life?!

    Sorry, rant over!

    Clare:   I'm sure you will find your square hole in which to put your square peg self, eventually!   Its just a matter of time.....  Try not to be too disheartened.

  • Lmac - I hope you don't mind, but I've taken the liberty of rejigging your photos the right way around, as they are so lovely:


    The beautiful Tapaidh:  (she is gorgeous!)

  • What a wonderful view to have from a window!......Glenfeshie:

  • Lindy thank you. Not sure what happened to them took them the right way up on my Samsung tablet and then they went sideways. Thank you.

  • Morning everyone

    Quick look in (BTW thanks, ANNETTE)

    DIBNLIB We went to the Riverside. It has very good reviews and the staff were lovely. I think that I was just unlucky and also we were a group of eleven so a lot of pressure on the kitchen all at once. Everyone else seemed to enjoy their meal,my OH had a really nice steak. My main course was chicken stuffed with tomatoes and some other things, others had it too and enjoyed it. My reference to Rocpool was because of their yummy scallops!! I've never had better!!

  • Lindybird said:
    Its very annoying that the system has been hijacked in recent years - when our sons went to Uni there were students there who had to have basic Maths training as they had not learned enough in all those years in school!!  Luckily Maths is my OH's forte and so he was able to help them through their school years with it.  And if you can't use good English to express yourself, how are you ever going to get on in work and life?!

    What makes me really cross are all those job adverts which say 'graduate required' - why can't they ask for a bright person with good English and Maths skills so I could apply?  I could rant on this subject forever!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.