And so we begin another month. Osprey season is in full swing, with lots of action everywhere. ENJOY!
Just to let you know there are 2 DU threads today, they had to start a new one.
Just had a read of a few of the posts and I have to say the commentary reminds me of a thrilling tennis match :)
© Scottish Wildlife Trust - Loch of the Lowes
Birdie has done a timeline of the new osprey, I will try to link it
Starling, while I've been sleeping in, you have been busy with your observations and posting. Such a delight for me to see such a colorful and full report here on the Gabfest when in I log in.
Already it is almost noon here in southwest Ohio, which means the day is drawing to a close in Scotland. So now I must busy myself reading and seeing what I can see on the nest.
I was working this morning and was supposed to be getting organised for a few days away this afternoon (leave tomorrow) - As you can see I spent the afternoon on the forum. I will regret it tomorrow, but I enjoyed being here, made a nice change.
This is what I found when I got back to the nest 25 minutes ago. EJ & Odin I hope!!!! He was still there when I left just now.
When I switched back to the nest, Odin (?) was gone,
Unfortunately, I can no longer get split screen on this computer. The little buttons I need to bring it about have disappeared and I don't know how to get them back. A bad tech situation which makes for very difficult osprey watching and discussion.
On mine you just right click anywhere on the task bar at the bottom of the screen and the menu comes up, then show windows side by side, but this is a very old laptop. I think you have a more modern one than this.
The problem is I cannot get 2 images at once on Internet Explorer and the cam and Forum are both received by IE. If I could get the two images I could resize them OK.
When I had serious problems recently (as opposed to annoying) and took the computer to a pro he took out features he claimed were destructive, but that I needed & used. For that reason I hesitate to go back. Yes I have Windows 8 and have never had a carefree moment of enjoyment since I purchased it.
I'm thinking of getting a tablet or whatever those tiny handheld things are in addition to my desk laptop.
I bought a small cheap tablet last week, I can get the cams ok, but that's as far as I have gone with it.
I have been having problems with my laptop I can get the cams but far too slow and I can't do anything else at the same time. I think it is overheating as well.
Starling said "I don't like the name LG have given the intruder (see blog)."
I'm not crazy about it either, but I'm anxious to see their reasons. To me any name is better than letters or numbers.
Also I hope we don't have to use that name very much as hopefully he won't be around much longer.