And so we begin another month. Osprey season is in full swing, with lots of action everywhere. ENJOY!
What in the world are the noises at LotL? Sounds like a combination of a choo-choo train, vicious animals and an old-fashioned belling party.
From Facebook, this is a list of all the fish caught by ospreys at Dyfi. Brown trout has been newly added.
FRom Facebook
Now What? Sounds like very heavy rain or even sleet at LG. Also something is visably falling, but my computer won't capture it,
I continue to find EJ on the nest alone whenever I tune in.
I have never seen a sky dance, but I remember HEARING one once. Very impressive just to hear the various swoops as they were made closer to the nest, then off into the distance & return.
This triangle is not EJ's fault. More than a triangle, I understand three strange males have been involved. EJ has done what she could to maintain her honor and her happy home. But she does continue to draw the males to herself. Quite the femme fatale, our EJ!!!
Who is it? Odin I hope.
Seconds after this snap he/she flew away, together with EJ who immediately returned.
EJ just now pulled the egg from the edge of the nest to the center and snuggled down with it under her breast. Surely there is no way this egg can be viable. This whole situation sends chill up my arms and down my spine.
By the time I secured a poor picture, a male was on the nest. Again is it Odin. Oh how I wish I could ID by sight.
Sorry JUNE can't help you.
The hotel is having internet connection problems and when I can get on I looked to see what has been happening at LG to find 60 pages of DU which would take me hours to get through. Wish they would just produce a few sentance summary each day.
Hoping Gabfest could give me a summary of what has happened at LG today.
I'll wait until Tiger may give a summary on his Daily Update or LG may officially give us a summary.
Baltic Center Carnyx Cam. Now I can see that this is a ledge on the side of a building with water to the right side of the picture. People frequently walk across the structure half way up over the water.
Not a summary Keith but Some idea, anyway. We need a few more watchers here as no one can keep vigil 24 hours.
And yes, I know you are no better at visual ID than I am.
Action has been quite hectic, I understand, As I said on the main blog I do hope they have camers and volunteers there who are keeping all this action on record to be studied later.
Evening June & Keith. I have read the DU when I had a few mins, and I think they are all confused as well. It is too difficult to ID Odin as there is an intruder that looks very similar to him. The cam picture doesn't help. I think there have been 2 ospreys intruding today, one they thought was female, last time I read I don't think the HO had been to the nest today.
Sad news about the death of CU2, and there have intruders at Kielder, the eggs were left unattended for 2 hours.
What is going on with all these intruders, is there a shortage of nests?
© Scottish Wildlife Trust - Loch of the Lowes