WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY APRIL 26, 2016

Happy New Week.

  • All very strange BRENDA. I know very little about these things but do know that some optometrists can refer directly to hospital eye clinics (my OHs cataracts for example) whereas in other areas the referral still goes through the GP. So maybe in your locality commercial optometrists are more involved than was previously the case? Is there a spec prescription required?

  • I should have explained better. My OH will be 70 in May, so he was sent the normal medical form from the DVLA to see if there is any reason why he shouldn't continue to drive. One of the things listed was if he had an eye graft , to which he answered, yes, but the DVLA now need him to go to their own appointed optometrist , who will report back to them. They will not accept what the hospital says. The DVLA only use certain branches of Specsavers and that is why we have to go to Hastings. My OH showed the forms to EG a few weeks ago and they confirmed that this is the system now used by the DVLA. Seems a good earner for Specsavers to me. My OH already has his new glasses, Heather, so no prescription needed. He doesn't go to Specsavers, either.

  • He's probably safer on the road than many (and younger) who are driving, simply because his eyes have been so well looked after!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Rain here arrived at the forecast time of 2pm - and we discovered that some of my wee plants got frosted earlier!  We've probably still got enough, as I usually sow too many, but shall need to re-plan which go where!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Sorry about your wee plants, OG. The forecast doesn't seem great for the rest of the week. We have had a shower but the sky looks leaden. We are feeling the drop in the temperature.

    Neighbour is getting a new pup, which she will pick up next week, when she returns from a short holiday to Marrakesh ( or Marrakech ). OH has gone to fit a baby gate to the kitchen for her. ( she lives in a bungalow) When Penny was a pup, I used a baby gate on the stairs, but not in the kitchen. 

  • BRENDA - another new puppy - aaaahhh - what breed is she getting?  Good of your OH to help with preparation!  Did you play bowls today?  We just had another shower which included sleet - that's three times today, but so bright between!

    There is a new Blog - mostly about that pesky intruder!  Poor Odin is rushed off his feet!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • BRENDA - It all seems odd but we have to go along with these things I suppose!

  • Hello, HEATHER - are you any better today?

    Also ANNETTE - are you any better today?

    And anyone else who has coughs and sneezes!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hi - read all your news and lovely to see what you are all up to.

    Had to take one of the cats to the vets today as she has been losing weight and is very hungry all the time - over the last 6/7 months and nothing had improved.  Was checked over and was passed OK except for concern that it might be hormonal -hyperthyroidism, so blood was taken for a full screen - expensive, ughhhh, but at least we should know for certain what is wrong with her.

    New suite arriving tomorrow , they texted OH to say it could be between 7am and 10am.  Do hope its not 7am as I will not be up but will have to try and be up by 8am just in case.

  • One or two pics from our holiday.

      this was the boat we boarded for our trip on the broads.

      the ice cream boat visits moored boats in a private broad - sorry its a bit fuzzy.

      a grey lag sitting at the side of the river

       an old mill

      Egyptian goose and brood - not long hatched

      part of one of the most expensive riverside properties - built for a footballer who got into financial difficulties and had to part with it.

      the magnificent inglenook fireplace at the cottage we stayed in.   This was renovated by the owners - 3 one bedroom cottages originally and then made into one.  The owner found out that there was a gentleman living in the village, aged 90, who was born in the cottage which is now the lounge and he still had his indentures.   The house that the owners live in next door to this cottage was built by John Wallpole who was a courtier of Henry VIII. Apparently he gave JW the money to build the house which is now being renovated to its original splendour.