WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY APRIL 26, 2016

Happy New Week.

  • Oh Lindy, Bonnie is leading you a song and dance. Do hope she starts to behave with more "decorum" soon.   We are having to keep our cats out of the lounge at night for fear they might start scratiching the new suite.

  • What first thing OG - very studious. Don't much like gardening so we try and keep it low maintenance - plants growing that take care of themselves etc.   Still from what you've written before you do like to grow your own vegetables so I presume its planting time for a lot of them.

  • What a lovely sight to see Prince George going into the hospital with his father. He is going to be a big hit with the international press, and so will his little sister.

  • Dinner is going into the oven (roast) so I have a couple of minutes to put on some more photos.

    This time more of our holiday last February.  Here is a scrumptious cake which I enjoyed from a local bakery:  it was half orange and half chocolate muffin!  and every bit as yummy as it looks......

    We had one each....  they were not as big as some of those you see in coffee shops, honest!

    Here is someone who came to see us when we sat on the beach:

    He pecked at my rubber shoe, in the foreground!

    Another day, he came back with a friend.

    They were no doubt hoping for some crumbs, but we never eat on the beach so we had nothing to offer them.

  • Here is the beach which is just by where we stay:  its very peaceful and lots of folks come just to sit on the rocks and contemplate Life:

  • LINDYnice pics, thank you.

    How nice that the newborn royal is a little girl.

    Can't remember if I said I was on holiday at the mo, probably why I have had a chest infection!!!!!. Unfortunately OH is not but has a few days off to enjoy with me anyway, so today it was off to Cromarty for a short walk on the beach, followed by lunch at Sutors Creek. OH managed a whole pizza (asparagus and parma ham, I only had a half size (spicy chicken, sweetcorn and caramellized onion) but then I did have a  smoked salmon and asparagus starter. For those who don't know Sutors is rated one of the best off the beaten track restaurants in the UK. We then went off to Chanonry for another walk with Benson.

    Not sure what will happen at work when I get back on the 10th as I have written a formal letter of complaint about the number of Sundays I have had to work since Feb and am down for until the end of Feb. I mentioned I felt put upon and was happy to work Sundays in rotation with others, and finished by saying that with no good reason some people did not work Sundays at all. I had mentioned my dissatisfaction to the manger in passing on 3 occassions and did not get a positive reply, so this was the only way to go. May be out of a job when I next see him!!!!!

  • Thought I would post these. The first is snow on Ben Wyviss taken by OH

    and now 2 funnies to follow

  • Didnlib good on you on speaking up about your hours..

    I remember when I worked at my last distillery a student finished Friday night and came back on Monday as she had to get a train to visit friends that soon got squashed by us old regular timers.

    Lochindorb today chilly wind but luckily one Osprey and lots of noisey Grouse.

    Lunch at Logie Steading then a walk around the walled garden as Daisy knows where they keep the robotic lawn mower and she so loves to nibble its wheels...daft or what.  

  • Lindybird - lovely photos and do like the one of the sea and rocks - looks as peaceful as you say.

    Dibnib hope you are enjoying your break - like the mountain picture and also the funny ones. Just sitting down with a glass of red wine at the computer so the second funny very apt.

  • We were out tonight for a meal, OH son in law's 60th. I won't say where but nowhere that either DIBNLIB or I have written about. My starter was scallops. They were the wrong side of seared, just about raw. Three scallops drowned in too much rich tarragon cream sauce. I won't go on!! (But I wish we had gone to Rocpool)