WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY APRIL 26, 2016

Happy New Week.

  • Good morning all my good intentions of reposting my long ramble for various reasons did not happen and by now is past its sell buy date. Visitors, telephone calls and taking Billie out has taken up a lot of time and I have been watching the dramatic scenes at LG. Found it quite upsetting to see EJ and Odin being constantly bombarded by some very persistent intruders. Weather not being very kind for them either. Pleased to see EJ had a good size fish this morning.

    Not a lot happening today, weather dull but it does feel a little less cold. Not doing much over the weekend either, OH is going up to London on Sinday to watch Tottenham Hotspur play. First time he has been in a long while and he does deserve some time to himself. I have to go for a blood test Monday morning at the hospital and then chemo resumes on Tuesday. We will go to our local carvery tomorrow and OH has suggested he cooks a breakfast on Sunday morning so that will keep us both going for much of the day. Just cheese and crackers for me later and OH will probably pick up a baguette to ear on his way back.

    Heather and Annette do hope you are feeling a bit better now but sorry to see dibnlib is unwell. Seems to be a lot of colds doing the rounds at the moment,

    Lynette I very much enjoyed looking at your holiday photos. Hope you are getting used to the larger settee now.

    Lindybird thanks for the Bonnie diary, she certainly is a bit if a handful at the moment. Sorry but I did laugh when I read through. Perhaps now she has an old shoe of your OH she will chew on that instead of the very odd things she has been eating.

    diane hope things are well with you.

    OG you make me feel weary, once again you go have been so busy with various things. Was pleased to see that J is much better now winter is leaving us. Won't say it has left because there are still areas with snow.

    Brenda hope it is dry when you leave the hairdresser, some pretty dark clouds round here at the moment.

    Going to post this now so fingers crossed.

    have a good day all and enjoy the weekend.

  • In 1993 a young girl went to get an ice cream from van parked close to home. She was never seen alive again. Very shortly after we moved to Shetland. In the holidays their children would disappear all day long and parents never needed to worry about anything more than a bruised knee

  • WENDY that is interesting. Wish I had known about that when we had Dillon. I bought countless chew bones for him and he turned his nose up at everyone. They didn't go to waste as we took them to the SSPCA. Benson on the other hand loves them, but may try him with a carrot for a change. he is out in the garden at the moment with his 3 rings which he expects me to play with, but as he snatches them as soon as I go to pick them up I have given up. Think he probably wants me to play pulll, but get out of breath easily at the mo so not up for it.

  • LINDY   you are keeping us all entertained with Bonnies exploits.   Like you I don't wear black. As far as I am concerned it is only for funerals and work trousers.

    Remember when Fingal was a pup and we were packing ready for our Shetland move. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him heading downstairs with OHs best shoe. Oh he'll be ok said OH. Not a chance said I and got to him at the bottom of the stairs just as he was about to tuck in!!!!  For many years if he found a shoe it was fair game.

  • Back from the hairdressers and some shopping at Waitrose. It didn't rain Margo, but the wind is quite cold. There is a partly blue sky at the moment and some sunshine.

    Sorry, Linda, Bonnie sounds to be a very active pup and I hate to think what she eats off the shore, but I do enjoy reading about Bonnie"s escapades. I bet there are many times of cuddles too, though. I remember when our lab was a pup. The children would give him a toilet paper roll, to encourage him to do, what the  Andrex pups did in the TV adverts. I couldn't blame the pup for that !!!
    Happy birthday to your son. Remember you were very young when he was born :-))
    I have a black funeral outfit, which I bought for my brother-i- law's funeral in 2009. I  have worn the same skirt and coat for a few funerals since then. Otherwise I have never worn them.

    Dibnlib, Sorry you have been so ill. Our last dog loved to chew a carrot. It helped when he was put on a diet. We found that my mother would have one biscuit for herself and two for the dog !!!

  • Lovely day gardening etc - out this evening (and parts of weekend)at Lockerbie Country Music Festival.  Will try to catch up soon!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • BRENDA    My parents had a very overweight Goldie. This was mainly because if my Dad didn't want all of his meal (and this was more often than not) then Katie would get it. Every time I went down to visit I would nag them about her weight but it made one whit of difference. We have always kept our dogs weight down and felt so pleased when Fingal had his MOT and the vet said she had rarely seen a Goldie of his age such an ideal weight.

    Despite the fact I am certainly not 100% we decided to go to Rocpool for lunch. It was delish. I started with prawn cocktail  with creamed avocado,apple and shrimps and a creme fraiche and lime dressing, Followed by Orange chicken with avocado and pistachios. We shared a pavlova with thick cream and rhubarb, pistachio and a white chocolate wafer. OH had polenta cake with creamed spinach and salmon with asparagus spinach and a poached egg. Then coffee at Tiso where we bumped into an old friend and had a good long blether. Like me he has had a cough which has hung on for ages. It seems to be doing the rounds up here. Anyway it was good to be out and about after living in my dressing gown for the last few days.

  • Dibnlib - Glad that you managed a good lunch: it probably did you good to go out, even though you're not 100% yet. We have always monitored our dogs' weight as we have had too many friends who had a dog with what I call "a leg at each corner" syndrome - more often than not the dog has died prematurely due to being over indulged.
  • Glad that Bonnie's exploits have made people smile, which is why I relate them! She has been full of beans again today, but sat in her crate in the car this morning, watching my OH busy in his allotment through the open door of the car - she runs amok through all the freshly planted rows of veg if he lets her out! She is much loved by us both and gets plenty of cuddles as well as lots of tellings off! Pictures to follow of her latest exploits in Wales, when I get time..... I've been out to lunch at a garden centre with my Friend, we had Welsh Rarebit with fries & salad, it was delicious. Bought Bonnie a new chew toy which she fell upon with relish when I returned. Also got some more bird food - the garden birdsare very active now and nesting away, its quite a sight wa ching them all.