WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY APRIL 26, 2016

Happy New Week.

  • Today's List:

    Today, our puppy, cute as she is, has managed to get through either stealing or chewing (or both):

    1)    Several weeds from the weed bucket - grasses and dandelions, mainly.

    2)    A poor little drowned looking dead vole, which she was trying to get to run about on the lawn. (probably stolen from one of the watering cans)

    3)    Two pegs from my peg basket, when hanging out laundry.

    4)     A pair of my OH's boxer shorts, stolen from being aired on a radiator in the kitchen.

    5)     Two towels which are supposed to be for drying her feet when she comes in - she can reach where we usually put them, now.

    6)      A duvet cover left on the kitchen floor ready to go into the washing machine........

    7)      Several insects stupid enough to be on the garden plants when she is about, hunting for prey.

    8)      A pair of my knickers, left out to dry, which she triumphantly ran around the back garden with for several minutes, doing victory laps, until it took two of us to catch her!

    She has also stripped most of the covering from a doggy tennis ball, eaten the ties which keep our seat pads on the dining chairs, and tried to get the pattern off the outside of her own doggy dinner dish (black spots on a white background.....)

  • LOL!!!!!!!  I'm not going to ask why she considered your knickers to be worthy of victory laps!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • OH dear, LINDY! But I'm sure that you still love her, just as I did when eldest son found the chocolate cake that I'd baked and coated all ready for his second birthday party.You can guess the rest xx

  • Clare Bailey said:

    LOL!!!!!!!  I'm not going to ask why she considered your knickers to be worthy of victory laps!

    You'd have to ask her that! - but she did look particularly pleased with herself as we chased her around the flowerbeds! My knickers are going back into the next wash!
  • Heather - love your story, though I guess you must have been peeved at the time! We had a cat once who chewed the corner off a birthday cake, and our Eldest refused to eat any of it afterward, even though we cut that bit off.
  • My OH has given Bonnie her best ever present tonight: a single shoe, one of a pair of old sneakers which he used to wear when decorating. She is delighted, and tries to get right inside it even though her head is too big now!!! She chews the laces in ecstasy, and throws the shoe around even though its heavy (my OH takes a size 12!)
  • Evening all:  

    Clare: Oh gosh. good for your daughter; maybe she should come shopping with me.

    Lindybird: Had to smile at the image of your undies being waved in the air behind naughty pup while you and OH gave chase.  Do hope she stays entranced by OH's old shoes. I have some tatty old things I can send along if it helps....  :-)

    Have a good Friday all.

  • Good Morning, All. Sunny start to the day here, but still a little chilly. I'm off to the hairdressers to cheer myself up: our Eldest is the grand age of 40 today, which makes me feel like an Old Lady - maybe I should start wearing black! (I never do, as it makes me look like I died already :-D)
  • Good Morning ALL. Taking OH to Dr's for a blood test and then a dash to the hairdressers.

  • thanks for all your good wishes on our 35th anniversary. Sorry I haven't been on for a week or so, but I am another who has had the dreaded lergy. A really nasty chesty cough and antibiotics haven't done much good. Feeling a little easier today. Hope everyone else who has been ill is on the mend.

    LINDY  yum yum, we love cropwell bishop too.  Think you are right Bonnie will not have learned a lesson, but maybe she will just grow out of eating anything and everything. Remember Harvey waiting till he was home till he threw up (luckily in the kitchen) The smell was so awful (obviously something long dead) that I removed myself to the side doorstep leaving OH to wade in and clear up!!!!