WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY APRIL 26, 2016

Happy New Week.

  • Diane - we have similar "ice cream vans" coming round selling soft ice cream from a local maker called Gallones. Remember too that we used to get the ice cream van coming round when I lived at home. Mind you the jingle can drive you mad at times.

  • Limpy said:

    Good evening All.  If you have a minute could you please check out this thread about the live stream?  Many Thanks.

    Have already replied to Peter at Carnyx but also on the thread you opened.

  • Well the new 3 piece suite arrived yesterday. Arrived at 8.45am and it was all installed by 9.15am by two lovely blokes, so we are getting used to it - keeping the cats out at night so they don't start to ruin this one. Settee is a bit larger than I imagined but never mind.

  • Diane: We have an ice-cream van that comes around every Saturday afternoon; such a nice neighorhood-y touch.

    Lynette:  Enjoy your new suite. What color/fabric is it?

    Have a good Thursday all.

  • Good Morning, All. Drizzly & damp here. Lynette: The room always looks so different with something large and new in it. Hope its comfortable. We found our new set very comfortable, but I dare not tell my OH that I was very disappointed in the colour/tweedy effect of ours, its a little dreary! Hard to choose the fabric from rather small samples shown to us. I've brightened it up with red cushions.
  • Unknown said:

    Welcome back, Linda. The trials and tribulations of having a pup LOL Give it a couple of years :-))

    Gosh, its been hard work, Brenda! She is very lively, and often quite mad!! When we returned home, she ran around the house & furniture like a dervish- guess she was pleased to be back! My OH looks tired as he's the one who gets up either in the middle of the night, or very early (at 5.30am today!).
  • Good Morning Everyone. The sun is shining here. Very wet day yesterday, which cleared by the evening.

    Lynette, Enjoy your new furniture. It is always hard to picture what furniture will look like until it is in situ.

    Linda, I have no experience of that breed, but from what you say, she doesn't seem to sleep much. I forget, did you buy a cage ?

    We are leaving shortly, for OH's eye test. Back later

  • Good morning! Missed replying last evening as I got occupied with … not sure what! OH has been doing stuff outside while I did ironing. He won’t have time to work on the deck today as his Thursday museum duties resume this afternoon – he missed most of April, with our time up north and then my dentist appointments. He got so carried away with the power washer yesterday, that he did the porch and front path as well as the remainder of the deck!

    Diane – I couldn’t even send a virtual muffin as I still haven’t fathomed posting photos since the forum was changed. Maybe some kind person out there will tell me how!

    Annette – I hope your tree planting guy turns up on Saturday.

    Linda – welcome back! You can’t say we didn’t warn you about Mad Spaniels, but yours does seem even madder than most! Our two once found a used condom in the back garden – thrown over the wall from the back lane – yukk. Daughter’s one-time dog used to crunch crabs on the beach at Golspie – and that was a Collie! Your OH’s cheese must have been well-ripe when you returned home to it!

    Wendy – I am sure you and Daisy will both have enjoyed your Daughter’s visit. I thought Daisy was old enough to know better than to eat … um… stuff … in fields!

    Limpy – good to hear from you re live stream question – I have voted to go with the majority. It really doesn’t affect me much as I am not an avid watcher of the cameras – I just dip in when I happen to be around.

    Lynette – congratulations on the new furniture; I hope it is as comfortable as you hoped.

    Brenda – I hope the eye test doesn’t throw up any problems for your OH with the DVLA. Are you spending any pleasure time in Hastings while you are there?

    I am sitting here beside a cup of coffee, so I guess I ought to drink it! Sky has gone darker, but no rain.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG sadly Daisy has always been known as a dustbin and liable to put on weight. So she only has Burns food with no E numbers and vegetables . Those chew bones react with her badly so she has carrot or swede instead:-) Also a lot cheaper!

    Airport run in a bit and the 12 days have flown by.

    I have layers of dust everywhere but there is always tomorrow to worry about that.

  • Brenda:  Hope all went well at the opticians appointment.  Yes, we have had a crate for Bonnie from the start, and it's been very successful as they don't like to 'dirty' it.  However, she cries early in the mornings to be let out and it seems cruel not to let her into the garden for the necessary. I have also been very careful not to use it as a punishment, so the door is usually open to it in the daytime and she sometimes has a short snooze in there - but at present, she goes in to extract whatever bedding is there and try to rip it to shreds!! She doesn't do this when asleep at night, nor when in the car, so it must be sheer boredom.

    OG:  See you and EE are still busy getting things shipshape.  I bought my OH a pressure washer for his birthday a few years ago, and after initial scepticism, he loves it.  Glad to read that J is happier and healthier now, after a rather iffy Winter, healthwise.  I also spend less time on the cams now, as I am too busy to look at the nests all day long - busier now than before we retired!!

    Wendy:  My house has been dirty ever since a little person arrived - there doesn't seem to be time for a routine LOL!!