WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY APRIL 26, 2016

Happy New Week.

  • A message from OG carried forward:

                   HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AQ



    From Lynette carried forward

    Very bad earthquake in Nepal, over 800 killed and 10 climbers killed on Everest after there was an avalanche caused by the earthquake. Terrible loss of life - lots trapped in crumbled buildings.

    HB from me AQ and HA to you Dibnib.

    From AQ carried forward:

    Thank you OG & LYNETTE.

    Happy Anniversary DIBNLIB.

    Must get ready for church. 8 C at 7 am this morn.

    From Margobird carried forward:

    Happy Birthday AQ

    Happy Anniversary dibnlib

  • There must be a more techy way to do that, but darned if I know!

    Anyway, greetings to AQ and dibnlib from me too.

    And thanks OG for keeping tabs on all of us!

  • Thanks ANNETTE for doing the carrying forward - I couldn't stay up late and didn't want to start the week before midnight, but wanted to be in time for AQ!  I had already missed some birthdays this year, and your anniversary!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Threat of possible light showers later, but a lovely sunny start to the day here.  Gas man should be coming this morning to do annual boiler service (yes, on a Sunday!).  I think OH will be hoping to treat another few planks of the deck before any clouds appear.  I hope to dead-head more Daffodils and Tulips, but shall have to have one of us indoors to listen for the doorbell (J will be at morning service).

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Today I made veg soup to add to pasties in freezer for OH. What he doesn’t eat will be lazy meals when I return! I used up foods he won’t eat, finished checking last weekend’s photos & backed up, case packed, alarm set for 5.35 am, Poldark tonight. Tomorrow morn I switch off brain and RELAX. Watch those eggs for me. "See" you when I return.

  • AQ have a good relaxing time.

  • AQ - enjoy, don't try to be too active - and get yourself really well on this trip!

    Gas boiler service done.  OH weeded under the Willow tree where birds drop seed - good thing he didn't start on deck treatment, the suggested rain shower came right on cue at noon!  I did the dead-heading, re-potted the tomato plants and harvested some early coriander (from greenhouse) to freeze.  BTW, we enjoyed fresh radishes from the cold frame on Friday and Saturday!  Now making Sunday lunch for when J arrives.  Afternoon will disappear with synchronising three diaries, and getting hosed down for evening service.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • AQ: I've probably missed you, but I hope you have a wonderful time! And happy birthday!

    Margo: I'm thinking of you, as always.

    dibnlib: Happy anniversary.

  • AQ- have a great relaxing and refreshing holiday xx

    ANNETTE- Thanks for getting us going. Honestly, I have very little chat. It has been snowing here today, just like winter! Eldest son in law and my grandson Callum popped in this afternoon, which was lovely. I was cooking, just a roast chicken with skirlie. Eldest SiL said that they were having home made pizzas for dinner. Truly, I would have preferred that to roast chicken.....

  • Lurker alert..

    Youngest up and meeting her at airport commented it would be nice to have snow..

    We have EJs snow and it's still here including a trip from gritter lorry...

    It's nearly May ....;-)