Daily Update Sunday 26th April 2015.

Normality On The Nest - Or Is It ?
Yesterday was a day of normality - or was it?  Certainly there seems to be a lack of fish for EJ. A bit more of Odin wanting to mate, but why?  EJ has already laid three eggs so is Odin trying to have four this season?  As for me I think three is enough otherwise the nest gets too overcrowded and there is always a chance of a vulnerable chick not getting enough fish at feeding time or being knocked out of the nest and not surviving.
So what else happened yesterday?   A bit of intrusion by an intruder and finally Odin flies in with a fish for EJ at 17:57 - a well needed fish.  EJ took it from Odin and flew off with it.
So what now?  We all wait for the 23/24/25 of May when we should have our first bobblehead at LG for this season.  Personally I will hedge my bets for the 24/05/2015 late afternoon or early evening.
Well the new day starts with EJ on the nest and all is quiet.

"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

Magnus Ullman

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