Quite prolonged and heavy rain couldn't spoil yesterday. EJ supplied Egg #3 almost like clockwork and without too much effort; and Odin sat on the nest with his beloved (really he just wanted to incubate).
A mild alarm just now (I could only hear plinks of rain) alerted EJ and therefore there's a shot of the three eggs to start the day:
Morning PATILY :-* All our Welsh and Scottish birds are wet this morning, only Rutland looks dry.
Yes Poor things and it can also make fishing harder so a double misery
Good morning all. What a different scene today. This was posted 4 hours ago on FB by Operation Osprey.
Watching over EJ in the Forward Hide on this wet night
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
Good morning Moffer. No excuse to stay in your PJ's today!!. LOL
Birdies LG DU update.
No Mike, up and dressed with the lark today. I have to go out.
Good Morning MOFFER Glad its not an egg laying day today when it is so wet
Morning Patily :) Me too. It's supposed to be wet for most of the day there. Dry here this morning.
Morning MIKE and MOFFER - I'm OFF! See ya later :-)
Sleep well SCYLLA I have to go too
Here's Odin.