Quite prolonged and heavy rain couldn't spoil yesterday. EJ supplied Egg #3 almost like clockwork and without too much effort; and Odin sat on the nest with his beloved (really he just wanted to incubate).
A mild alarm just now (I could only hear plinks of rain) alerted EJ and therefore there's a shot of the three eggs to start the day:
EJ's pitch got so loud just then. She took off and left her eggs. Odin arrived and EJ returned. Both looking at the eggs!
and Odin leaves
Where's the fish?????
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
scylla said: Strange behaviour. I might as well come out with it and brace myself for responses - but Odin hasn't been a great fisher so far this season, and EJ has 3 eggs, so I am concerned.
Strange behaviour.
I might as well come out with it and brace myself for responses - but Odin hasn't been a great fisher so far this season, and EJ has 3 eggs, so I am concerned.
I am inclined to agree Scylla. But on the other hand neither has EJ been as demanding as she might. So perhaps she isn't as hungry as we humans think she is. After all, she is doing nothing but sit on the eggs at the moment. It will be a completely different kettle of fish when the eggs hatch, and then we really will worry if this behaviour continues. If she really were ravenous she could always go fishing herself, and Odin would take over incubation duties.
She is calling again.
Thanks all for they lovely updates. Catch up when I can, I wish he would go and get her a fish. Poor EJ, if not she will just have to go and do it herself!! Well they say if you want a job done!!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Intruder about again. Odin is alarm calling. EJ is responding to the alarm and intruder.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
EJ is half up. Watching as Odin intruder calls. Perhaps this is why he has not left the nest site today?
Panic over, but it has started to rain. Plip plop on the mic. Perhaps not rain, but hail?
SheilaFE said:neither has EJ been as demanding as she might.
I'm always omitting thoughts that are in the back of my mind - which that was.
Just a passing shower, and sun has come out again.
I wonder if the male intruder hanging around has prompted Odin to keep mating. He's more worried about that, than providing for EJ. Her body must need the nourishment after making three eggs. Come on Odin, get your feathers in order and get the misses some fish.
Oh No Still no fish That's unusual!