Welcome to another day in the 2015 Loch Garten season. Ej's incubating her eggs while awake at the moment. As usual she's looking phenomenal :)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Hi Scylla. My alarm didn't go off and I thought that I'd missed it, but no. She had a shuffle just now and still 2 eggs.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
This was Odin's visit earlier
He kindly bent over so we got a glimpse of his little head :-*
This is an unusual view of Odin taking off - his wing stretches right out to our left:
Off she flew for a ???
EJ's taken a comfort flight....and back. 2 eggs.
Just a bathroom break by the look of it, she wasn't gone long.
I adore her variegated feathers:
But was awful resolution.
The beginnings of an anxious vocal there.
Anxiously checking the area:
Ah, a corvid nearby.
She's waiting on her breakfast arriving, come on Odin get a move on and bring her a nice big trout and give her a wee break.
EJ best make the most of today... to do her egg-laying, sun-bathing and feed up, 'cos the weather ain't going to be kind to them tomorrow , or the next few days... much cooler and rain from the looks of it.