WEEKLY CHAT (Non-Osprey) SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2015

Happy New Week!

  • Brenda: Thanks for the news about EJ (how many is that now?)  Just kidding!

    dibnlib: Gosh - a lot going on, hope the fire doesn't affect your work too much. So sorry about your Mum's condition, but it's good she still remembers your brother - and how lucky she is that he's close by.

    Heather: Oh dear, that's so sad about Sheana - how good of you to rush over - and a mixed blessing I suppose that it's you she seems to depend on when things go wrong.

    Don't look now, but our temps are due to go below normal next week with a (tiny) chance of showers.

    Have a good Sunday all.

  • Good morning, and thanks to Annette for starting us off again. I'm only popping in, as just jumping into the shower now, holding my cup of tea at the same time, as we are off out on our long journey shortly! - have a good Sunday, All. 'Bye!
  • Good morning, all.  It's quite cold and overcast here with a chance of some rain - it's supposed to be brighter later.

    It's quite good fun trying to keep up with the action this season!  I'm now regularly watching four webcams (happily in three different time zones!) - the peregrines in New South Wales will be peacefully asleep somewhere, while EJ is incubating her first egg and looking impatiently for Odin to bring her a fish!  Glesni and Monty are sitting together on the Dyfi nest while the ravens at Wellesley are running to keep up with their adorable brood of three.  Let's hope that the three nests are all successful this year!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • HEATHER   How upsetting for you as well as Sheana.   Mum hasn't a clue how to use the remote anymore and when we arrived on Friday afternoon she had motor racing on the tv, not something she would ever dream of watching, but of course she hadn't any idea how to change channels for something more watchable.   Can't remember if I said it is "Rohan" where I work, and so close enough for smoke damage. 

    My Sunday shift was changed this week and so I was able to get to church for the first time in a while. Great timing and I really felt the benefit.

  • Several things I intended to reply to yesterday, but just haven't got a round to it.  But I have enjoyed the posts with your news and discussions.

    Our Saturday went as planned - farmers' market and a snack lunch there (from the stalls, taking our own plate and fork!), then a lovely afternoon at Eskrigg Reserve.  I think the Squirrel has to be the highlight.  I can't seem to post pics since the latest changes here, which is unfortunate as our Reds are much darker than the Highland Blondes!  We came home to gardening, and a long session of watering last evening.  OH cut the back lawn this morning, while I reached the bottom of the ironing pile, and we shall go to church this evening.

    J will be back at work tomorrow, and I think we are going to Caerlaverock; our first visit in ages.  There is also a tall ship on the Nith, just below Dumfries, so we shall go and have a look at that too, before shopping on the way home.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • A very boring day for us, Inverness forgot to be warm and neither of us ventured into the garden.In fact, we had a heater on in our little back sitting room. After the last couple of warm days which included eating outside we felt rather fed up but not altogether unsurprised!

  • Today began cloudy, but normal spring weather was resumed in the afternoon!  It was so good to drive home from church in daylight this evening.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Thank you to Annette for starting the week.

    Finally got around to checking the nests and then just had to watch Poldark. We went to church and then spent the day working in the garden and also the house. I have been spending so much time in the garden recently, that the HW was being neglected :-(( Ready for my bed now. Catch up tomorrow.

  • Good Morning, All. We had a wonderful day yesterday, in spite of spending much of it on the motorway: good journeys there and back. When next we go, we intend to leave Bonnie with sis-in-law and then stay the night there before returning home. We found Amber much grown, and very smiley! Lots of photos taken! We took a walk to the local park with babe in the pram, and Bonnie bouncing on the lead, much enjoyed by all. Our Eldest & his fiancee are busy organising their Autumn wedding, and all is going well.
  • Brenda - you can't be both inside and outside at the same time! Don't try to do too much! OG - I see you are also already busy! Pass that empty ironing basket to me! (You can have mine!)